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Laura's pov

Ever since our first date him being a biker did not cross my mind.

Maybe because I've never see him ride it before.

Yet imagining him riding it looked weirdly hot as fuck..

After my intimate moment with Marco I already knew a lot about him,it felt like I was finally there with him and nothing could hold us back anymore.

I could tell Marco loved his mother with every inch and surface of his heart witch is why it was so hard to break through the barrier

The barrier I could only break,it hurt to see him this way.

It hurt to find out the story behind his Medusa tattoo.

But I would take all of it in if it meant healing him, healing every emotional scar he had.

I put on my helmet and wrapped my arms around his waist as tight as I could "You better not fucking kill me"

He chuckled."if you don't trust me so much then why are you here."I rolled my eyes even though he could not see me.

Marco's veiny hand tightened on the handle before he rode out the gates of the mansion.

It was the first time Marco and I where ever together outside of the mansion without any bodyguard around to-well guard us although I think they where only there for me.

The wind rushed past us as we drove through the long narrow road.

Our mansion was more secluded and far from any possible neighbors so it took a while for us to get to the city.

It felt exhilarating and free something that was supposed to get my adrenaline up only made me feel calm and relaxed witch was weird I know.

Although it was still a bit cold outside witch it has been for the past few mornings I felt warm against Marco not a single hint of air chilled me.

I loved this.

After a short while we where in the city and I had asked Marco to get us some ice-cream before we headed back.

There was a small corner ice-cream shop not far from where we were so we headed there.

I ordered a mint chocolate chip ice-cream and Marco didn't even bother to order anything and just stood behind me and I'm sure he was scaring some of the customers away.

"You know it wouldn't hurt to try some."I said as I gestured to the ice-cream line up.

"I don't do frozen sweet milk."

"It's not frozen sweet milk-well it is but it tastes way better than you describe it."

We walked out of the shop"C,mon give it a taste."I took a small scoop of ice-cream and rose it up to his mouth."try it."

He hesitated for a bit before he opened his mouth and took a bite of it."Soo how does it taste."

"Like they put chocolate inside toothpaste and froze it."

I rolled my eyes probably giving up on him at this point like mint chocolate chip ice-cream was the best.

"Roll your eyes at me again amor and I will spread you across my lap and spank you so hard you won't be able to sit for weeks."the butterflies that had been locked up in a cage had spread like wild fire in my stomach.

Images of the scene flashed and I couldn't help the throbbing feeling between my legs.

"But you wouldn't want that now would you?"he pressed himself against me almost making me fall back at the slight contact.

I cleared my throat"Shouldn't we be heading back."

"Your right we should."he said it as if he didn't just say he would spread me across his lap and spank me so hard I wouldn't be able to sit for weeks.

After finishing up my ice-cream I threw it into the nearest bin before I got on the bike with him as he quickly sped off.

A while later we had arrived at the mansion again and Lucas's car was outside meaning he was here.

"What's Luca's doing here?"I asked Marco.

"I don't know."he said as he removed his helmet and went inside and I followed behind him.

When we entered the kitchen Luca was talking to Elena when he turned as soon as he heard our foot steps.

"Oh morning love birds."he greeted yet his cheerful tone was missing.

"Good morning Luca."

"Morning sunshine."his own personal nickname for me.

"Is something wrong."Marco asked.

"I'm afraid not."

"My office now."soon afterwards they disappeared behind the walls.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Marco's pov

Luca and I entered my office but non of us had the time to sit down.

"We had a shoot out at our main warehouse and multiple of our men where shot some even died."

"Their here."Torricelli was here.

"Francesco and Gabriel."Luca took a short pause."They where both severely injured and have fatal wounds and major blood loss."

Two of my most loyal men who had been here ever since I was only a boy where on their death beds.

I thought I could negotiate with Angelo's men but now they where practically begging for war.

After the call I had with Matteo over a month ago I managed to get some dirt on the Torricelli possibly end his businesses,he was not that smart on hiding it.

"Arrange a meeting with Torricelli I have something he wants and he has something I need."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure if we don't want any more blood on our hand we'll have to talk to the root of the situation Angelo's most loyal allie if we get to him we get to all of them."

Torricelli has been in the business for the longest time,he may be old but he is powerful.

My family has tried to work with him for years but never seemed to get him to but this time I have enough dirt on him to make him work with me killing him will be too risky so this is my only option.

But Torricelli is not a force to be reckoned with.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
I really hate to say bye bye to this book but it is what it is just a few more chapters to go.


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