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A little trip

Laura's pov

"But is there something going on between you two?"Isa asked from the other line.

"Nothing I already told you nothing will ever happen."

"If that makes you sleep at night then okay."the funny thing was I didn't get any sleep for the past few nights.

Marco walked in leaning against the door with his arms crossed and I knew then whatever he was about to say would absolutely ruin my mood.

"Isa I got to go okay-i love you."I dropped the call and stared back at him.

"Get dressed your spending the day with me."


"Laura I said get dressed and don't ask questions."

He left the bedroom leaving me standing there

One thing I've learned from being Marco's wife is that I should not question anything he does because everything he does never makes sense.

I changed out of my robe into a comfortable outfit,since I didn't know where we were going I kept it classy yet simple.

I put on my heels and did my makeup really light as usual.

"Laura."Marco shouted from the other room.

I quickly fixed my hair and grabbed my purse,"I'm coming."

I did a quick check in the mirror before meeting him in the living room.

"Where are we going?"

"You said you wanted to know me a bit more so let's go."

What is in Paris that I'll find out about him.

"Aren't we having breakfast first?"I was really hungry.

"We're going to get your breakfast at a coffee shop."

He looked serious as usual but I ignored that and followed him out the door.

This time he changed his Porsche for a Mustang,he walked over and opened the door for me letting me get inside then closing it.

We drove to a cute coffee shop in town, it was everything cute and above.

It was one of those coffee shops when you entered the bell above the entrance would
ding and you'd be greeted by the smell of fresh pastries.

I sat on the seat by the window whilst I waited for Marco to order my breakfast.

He then came back with a plate of my breakfast and a cup of hot chocolate and placing it in front of me.

I noticed he had nothing to eat so I asked him,"aren't you eating?"

"I'm not hungry."ok then.

I ate my breakfast quickly enough before I grew curious on what we had planned for today.

"Where are you taking me?"I asked him.

"You'll never stop being as curious as you already are aren't you."

"Let's just say I don't do well with surprises so tell me where are we going?"

"Please tell me you're not going to be like one of those American kids that keep repeating the same thing over and over again until the parents have to shove something in their mouths to shut them up."

I looked at him daringly"maybe."

"Well don't even try,I won't just shove a sock in your mouth."

I chuckled as I took the last sip of my hot chocolate before Marco paid for my meal and escorted me to his car.

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