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Getting ready

Laura's pov

1 month later

Luca was in the closet helping me pack for the trip.

Unfortunately he wasn't able to come along since Amelia was due to have her baby soon so it will just be Marco and I.

It was kind of crazy to think Luca was about to become a dad in less than a week.

I was kind of sad I could not make it to her birth but I made sure to send my wishes.

The babies gender I supposed to be a surprise but I'm on team girl.

Luca was clearing my suitcases from all the clutter I forget to take out when I arrived and I was picking out different outfits for the weeks I'm going to be in France.

Outfit by outfit I placed them on the island in the middle of the closet.

"I'm ready to pack."

Luca got up as he inspected my outfits."You have amazing taste."he complimented.

"Thank you."

He grabbed one of the suitcases"shall we pack"

We started to pack up the outfits.

Luca had told me all about what people expected from me as Marco's wife.

He gave me some tips and things I should be aware of when I get there.

Let's just hope those tips come in handy.

After we were done packing I offered to make some dinner in the kitchen while he finished up.

I ran downstairs only to find Marco in an apron making pasta.

I stood in shock as I watched him from a distance. He hadn't noticed I was standing there until he turned around facing me.

He said nothing as he continued to make the dinner.

"I didn't know you cooked."I said as I took tiny steps closer to him.

He ignored me.

"Where's Elena anyways."

"She developed a cold so I gave her the week off."

"Well that's kind of you."

I stepped closer as I took in the aroma surrounding the kitchen"it smells nice in here."

"It's Fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp."

"Wow I'm impressed, do you need any help."

He looked around as if he was trying to find something I should do."Can you cut up the basil."

I went over to the fridge as I grabbed the basil then grabbing a cutting board and a knife.

I placed them on the counter as I cut up the basil.

"Who taught you how to cook?"

"My mother."

His answers where short and simple,like he was tired of the conversation─if you could even call it that.

Luca came down just then with a smile spread across his face.

"Marco and Laura acting like a married couple."he sarcastically said.

I gave him a look before continuing to chop up the basil. He joined us as he sat on the kitchen island and resting his head on his palms as he watched us-an intriguing look on his face.


"Nothing I just like to seeing you guys get along."

"Is the plane ready for tonight?"Marco asked Luca.

"Yes their just waiting on you guys and the pilot."

Luca had told me we would be leaving by Marco's private jet.

Of course he would have a private jet , judging by the fact that Marco hates being around people it made scene plus his a multi billionaire.

I stayed silent as they discussed their own matter and I finished off cutting up the basil.

Marco moved over grabbing the parmesan cheese and his arm brushed against mine sending chills down my body and to my lower region.

I froze.

"H-here's the basil." I stutterd.

What the fuck was that,I've never stutterd a day in my life.

I lifted my head up as looked over to Luca who gave me a suspicious look.

I excused myself as I left the kitchen to go figure out what just happened.

I shut the door behind me locking it and leaning my head against it.

My heart was rapidly beating.

No no no no. What just happened.

"I hate him he's annoying and and irritating."I repeated to myself.

"No calm down Laura it's cold maybe that's why the sudden contact gave you shivers."

I wasn't gaslighting myself , I'm probably nervous for the trip.

Yeah I'm nervous.

I finally calmed down and unlocked the door to join the guys again.

It was going to be suspicious if I stayed up here for a long time.

I hurried back downstairs to find Marco dishing up the fettuccine Alfredo.

Luca was nowhere to be seen so I assumed he went to the bathroom.

I sat by the table as Marco came over to give me my dish."is Luca going to join us?"I asked.

He sat down."He had to leave,he couldn't leave Amelia in the house with the house wife for too long "

"I smell some trust issues."I joked

Marco laughed !Marco just laughed and I joined him .

I've never heard him Laugh before and I noticed he had a small dimple on his left cheek.

He-it was cute.

I took a bite of the pasta and although I hated to admit it,"Marco this is good."

I don't know how to explain it but it was like I was on a cloud of creamy Italian heaven.

"Thank you."

I smiled once again."Why don't you cook more?"I asked him.

"Elena does the cooking,I'm not the one to steal her job."

"But I like your cooking,you should cook more."

The rest of our dinner went by pretty quickly before we had to get ready to leave for the airport.

We could leave at any time since it was a private jet but Marco insisted we leave late around midnight even though I wanted to leave in the morning.

"I'm going to take a shower or do you want me to help you clean up?"I offered.

"I can do it myself you can go take your shower."

"Are you sure."


With that I went up to our bedroom as I got myself ready for my shower.

I really can't wait for France.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Idk how to feel about this chapter??

Pls vote,Kisses 🤍

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