Chapter 5: Next MOVE on you

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A few hours later....


I was sleeping so good until a text alert came through from the movers asking me to confirm my appt.

Damn besides a few outfits and my make-up case everything else is in boxes. I thought I was moving out for sure time. But I replied back asking them to cancel it.

I read the next text from my childhood friend Chelsea asking if I wanted to go shopping and out to lunch at 12:00. She just moved back in town, it will be fun to catch up with her.

It's roughly 9am and I've been in and out of slumber trying to regain to energy daddy stole from me earlier.

I replied, Sure. Let me get myself together and I'll be on my way.

It's Saturday so Devale is in his mancave playing 2k, or in his office catching up on his client contracts.

I go in the bathroom to start my shower. First I pull my makeup case out,  going to the bottom drawer in the back to get the plan B pills I hide there.


While Crys is sleeping I made us breakfast did some laundry. 

Now I'm finishing paperwork before I retreat to the mancave for an afternoon of 2k24.

I heard Crystal in the shower sangin not singing her heart out.

Her voice is as BEAUTIFUL as she is. I want so bad to get in that shower and fuck the shit out of her again  but she couldn't take another round even if she wanted to.

I still crept to the bathroom opening the curtain just to admire her.

Damn, you're so fucking sexy. I Love you baby, never forget it.

I'm glad you're finally awake. I made breakfast.

"I knew you would make your way in here eventually" she ignored that "I love you" on purpose.

She wrapped herself in her towel and stepped out the shower.

Crys: (Nonchalantly) Sorry babe, I have a brunch date at 12 with Chelsea and I have to make a important stop before I meet with her.

Devale: So you can't have breakfast with your man?

It's 9:20am and what important stop? You didn't mention any appointments today.

Crystal: To the pharmacy for a plan B pill, we had a great time this morning and I don't want to ruin it by asking why you thought it was ok to go through my things an take them.

Devale: Good, then I won't have to ask why you have them in the first fucking place.

You might as well head to the kitchen for breakfast until it's time to see Chelsea because you're not taking a plan b pill.

Like you said we had a good morning, let's make it a good day. Please Renee, DO NOT PISS ME OFF  I say as I give her a forehead kiss and retreat to my mancave to cool off for a bit.


Back up off me, I'm trying to do my make-up. I have to meet Chelsea in an hour.

Devale: How long will you be out?

Crystal: Why Devale?

Devale: I'm over your attitude, what's the fucking problem?

Crystal: You mean besides you going through my things, then making me eat breakfast alone, ignoring me all morning and now want to come feeling on my ass.


I'm mad at myself because why do I  even let you frustrate me like this? Leave me alone, keep acting like I'm not here like you been doing.

Devale: I wasn't ignoring you. I went to cool off and got caught up in the game.

I'm sorry you felt ignored and that I hurt your feelings. I'm NOT sorry for what I said but how I said it because I meant it.

As for me going through your things it was an accident.  I  went to grab a towel to clean you up this morning and accidentally knocked it over.

I was trying to put everything back in the right drawer slide thingy and saw it. I honestly thought it was a Tylenol, I flipped it over to check the strength and saw what it was.

Now that that's out the way, why do you have them, care to discuss?

Crystal: Is it not obvious?

Look I gotta go, I'll be back in a few hours.

We don't even have to finish this conversation because I initiated sex knowing it would be this bullshit after.

Don't worry though, I won't make that mistake again anytime soon.

"Yeah ok" Devale said and went back to his mancave while Crystal went to play catch up with Chelsea.


Crystal made is back home tipsy and horny. She had a afternoon of pasta, mimosas, gossip, edibles and a plan B pill. Devale is in the recliner in the theater room.

She decided on her way home from brunch to play nice with him because even though they are in a rough patch she loves him.

Devale however has activated his petty, he tried to be mature b4 she left and now he really is fed up.

Crystal: Hey babe, can we talk...really talk

Devale: silent

Crystal: When you ignore me it makes me feel alone and unloved by you. It forces me to build up a wall and makes me question why am I in this relationship.

Devale: Still silent

Crystal: The liquor is kicking in and I'm about to spaze out. I'm being vulnerable and he is being typical dick head Devale. Soon as I feel my face getting wet the doorbell rings.

We both go to answer it, who is it Devale ask he is opening the door

Timothy: Hi I'm looking for Crystal Wilson. I'm with the moving company,  we have a 5pm appt.

Devale says nothing, rolls his eyes at Crystal and went back to what he was doing.

Hi I'm Crystal, I canceled the appointment this morning. She checks her phone and see she never hit send. Oh my gosh, I never sent it. But I guess it worked out for the best. My boxes are in the garage. I'll show you the way.

She didn't even bother saying goodbye, she left his keys on his countertop, gathered her remaining items and left.

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