Chapter 39: Walking on Eggshells

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Devale: Babe, are you ready. We're about to head out.

Crystal: No, just take him and meet me at the hospital. I need a moment to get myself together.

Devale: You said that yesterday and the day before.

Crystal: And now I'm saying it today Devale.

Devale closed the bedroom door and left to take Aden to school. Crystal hated the fact that they had to put him back in before she was ready for him to go.

Although Chelsea's boyfriend was charged with her murder public opinion still felt the Ellises were somehow involved.

Chelsea's sister Bianca made a video of her dad recounting how Devale told him his daughter would come up missing that went viral on tiktok. The conspiracy theorists ran wild with it.

They started a Facebook private group and an Instagram page where the video also went viral causing Devales partners to separate from him.

Devale would get mean stares or whispers whenever he was out. People would assume Crystal was either a victim of his or the mastermind.

Last week we were walking out the parking structure heading into the hospital to see Peanut when two ladies tried to pull me to the side. One of the ladies asked if we was there because he beat me again. The other asked if I knew what this monster was capable of. Devale told me to ignore the comments but fuck that.

Lady my husband has never beat me a day in my life. You look too old to be repeating stupid shit from your wrinkled hate filled lips. And you with the edges as thin as my patience if you ever call my husband a monster again I'll show you which one of us is the real monster. You need to clean your glasses and get a good look at who the fuck you're talking too. Now get the fuck out my way!

Incidents like that made me pray extra hard for my daughter to get discharged so I can love on my baby in my space with no staff or interuptions.

Peanut will be one month old tomorrow my baby still hasn't gained enough weight to come home. I didn't think it would take this long. Yes, I'm extremely grateful to know she will be ok. But when is the part I struggle with, how many more days until she's home.

Devale decided to open his own brokerage alone, he has been working early mornings and late at night trying to get everything in order. He is also does all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping and still makes sure to spend two hours a day with Peanut.

The plan was for us to drop Aden off at school before we both see our daughter. He stays two hours then leaves to run errands he then picks me up 3 hours later.

We go home to have dinner, he puts Aden to bed if he is home and we do the same thing again the next day.

I'm tired of it, this week I opted to drive myself to see Peanut whenever I get the energy to let get out of bed. I'm still not fully healed and dealing with the media stares adds an extra layer of anxiety that I can do without.

Everyone is getting under my skin, no one understands what I'm going through. I don't bother to tell them because it won't change the situation.

I hear Devale come back in from dropping Aden and him rustling in the kitchen. It's 10:00 am why isn't he at the hospital. I can feel he is about to come talk to me so I get myself together to head out. I don't want to talk, I just want to be.

Devale: Babe I brought you an everything bagel lightly toasted with a orange juice and ice.

Crystal: Thank you D, uhm I'm sorry if I been snappy.

Devale: IF?

Crystal: I'm sorry for being snappy this morning.

Devale: It's cool, you ready to go?

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