Chapter 49: Who is Harmony?

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It's 7.5 months later and Crystal is 8 months pregnant. She hasn't heard anything from or about Bianca. According to Kayla she disappeared after the failed paternity stunt. Crystal had Madam on the lookout, she knew she would show back up at somepoint.

Obgyn: How have you been feeling since your last appointment?

Good, I've been eating everything in sight and I'm tired all the time but nothing abnormal. I am just a little sore at bed time.

Devale: She was complaining about the bottom of her stomach hurting a few nights ago.

Obgyn: Can you show me exactly where you was feeling the pressure?

I lifted my big belly as much as I possibly could until the baby started to kick back.

The doctor is measuring Crystal stomach which isn't uncomfortable but is tiring.

Whew this baby is active and already hard-headed. This is for sure my last pregnancy, I am done!

Devale: We need one more after him then we're done.

I don't know why he keep saying he and I don't know why he think I'm having another baby.

Devale: I know it's a boy, especially if this is our last pregnancy. God wouldn't do Aden and I like that.

Chill on me and my daughter.

Doc: The baby is measuring in the 98th percentile and may come a little early but in this case that's fine because it's measuring the size of a full term baby. Now we still want to try to make it to 40 weeks.The good news is I have no concerns so I'm not putting you on bedrest. However, I do suggest you start slowing it down some, maybe cut back hours and spend more time with your feet up.

Crystal: I have a 4 year old, a 6 year old and a Devale. I don't know what spending time with my feet up is but I'll do my best.

Devale: Oh I'm going to make sure you chill out, don't even worry about pretty pregnant head about it.

They left from that appointment straight to the next one with their property inspector. Devale bought them a bigger house and Crystal really wanted to move in before she had the baby. Today was the final inspection before they closed on the property. That appointment took a little less than an hour, Devale pretty much handled the entire inspection while Crystal retreats back to the air conditioned truck with the chair reclined all the way back.

Aniya is in prek she only goes to school 5 days a week for 4 hours, Aden goes a full day and enjoys riding the school bus with the big kids. After we finished with the inspection we picked up Peanut, made a quick Target run and headed home to wait for Fatty.

Aniya: Mommy can we have pizza for dinna tonight.

Crystal: You mean dinner, I don't know why you're suddenly so southern but we're paying tuition for that fancy daycare to teach you proper pronunciation.

Aniya: So yeah or naw

Crystal: Excuse you.

Aniya: I mean yes or no mommy, can we have pizza for dinner?

Crystal: We will see after Aden is home now go clean that mess you left in the playroom.

Aniya: Ms. Harmony said she will help me clean it up when she gets here mommy.

Crystal: I said for you to clean it up now. Harmony is your nanny not your maid, clean it up Niya.

Aniya: Yes ma'am.

Devale promised me a stress free pregnancy and so far he has delivered, the pregnancy itself is going well but once I made it to my 3rd trimester I've been super exhausted.

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