Chapter 20: A Miscommunication?

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Crystal stayed in her she-shed for a few hours sipping wine, playing with her baby and watching true crime documentaries. She lost track of time, she didn't realize it was so late until Devale text her.

Husbae 🔐🖤
It's almost 10:00pm 😕

My Lifeline🤱🏾💍
I'm coming.

Devale was in the kitchen waiting for them to come through the back door. Crystal had Aden on her hip, he was still awake trying to break free as she was pulling the wagon behind her.

Devale: Hand him here, I got him. Go ahead and eat and shower, I'll put him down.

Crystal: Ok.

Aden was fighting his sleep, he wanted his mommy not Devale. Devale gave up sitting Aden in his crib with a few toys and baby boss playing in the background.

Crystal finished her night routine, she then went to the kitchen to wash dishes and take out tomorrow's dinner. Devale follows behind her. He cleaned the table and swept while she washed and dried the dishes.

They moved in sync and silence until she sees Aden crawling towards her. He was showing all 11 baby teeth proud of himself for figuring out how to climb out the crib with no assistance.

Crystal: Fatty you escaped, why are you still awake chucky chunks?

Aden crawled from Crystal over to Devale, he was pulling himself up using Devale leg.

Devale: It's time for you to go to sleep man. You had my wife to yourself all afternoon son, take yo ass to bed! He picked Aden up and put him in the livingroom playpen then continued sweeping the kitchen.

Devale: My mom stayed with him today he had a late nap, I'm sure that's why he is refusing sleep.

Crystal: Yeah she told me. She called my mom this morning before she got here saying she was staying with him here today.

She facetimed me during his nap time from the park when I told her I was getting off a little early and would be home soon. She told me he was fine and to enjoy a few hours to myself. I'm sure my mother told her I was having a crappy day and needed a minute.

Devale: You had a bad day? Why didn't you call me?

Crystal: I did call you to tell you I would be home late, just like I called to speak with my son on my first break but both times it went directly to voicemail.

Devale: Damn that's my bad. Both times you called I was in the middle of something. I should've called you back. I got busy. It was a miscommunication on my end.

Crystal: A miscommunication? No it was you being you and I'm not a fan of this Devale.

Devale: What are you talking about?

Crystal: Didn't you leave work early yesterday to clear your head? Yeah you did. Did it work? No, because you came and fucked me like I was your enemy.

Then you left out of here at 4:30 AM this morning. Talking about you needed to think. Just to come back and start yelling at me because I had  to work.

Then you didn't even tell me that my mom wasn't keeping Aden. You just switch to plan up when I called you to make sure everything was ok you sent me directly to voicemail. But had a fucking attitude because I reminded you of something that was already scheduled.

Plus I'm steady asking you what's wrong or what's going on? You refuse to tell me what wrong yet you're treating me like I did something to you.
So yeah you're part of the reason I had a rough day. I also didn't want you judging me for having a crappy day after I was to tired to mother my son yesterday.

You know I pull away when I feel shut out. And I'm trying not to do that this time, but you're not helping me. So it's not a miscommunication it's Devale being Devale.

Devale: If you got off early but got home late where were you?

Crystal: Did you just hear anything I said?

Devale: Yeah I heard all of that, my question remains the same. I'm not about to ask you again Crystal.

Crystal: Devale leave me alone. She was over today, she took Aden from his playpen into her room closed the door and went to bed.

She woke up in the middle of the night to pee and change Aden. Devale wasn't in bed. She felt sad, she said a prayer for her husband and strength for them to overcome anything together. She left Aden in the room then made her way down to the mancave. Devale was knocked out on the couch, she laid on top of him and cuddled herself under his arm.

Devale: I love you wife.
Crystal: I love you husband.

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