Chapter 26: Chelsea's Back 🥴

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Devale: Don't ask me a question then put me out before I can answer it. That's not fair. Before you start making shit up in your insecure head yes I  ran into Chelsea at bar.

She was already there with her boyfriend and a friend when Jay and I got there. I didn't have any conversation with that girl at all, I didn't fuck her. I don't know how she got my number or why she texted me. Jay and I left the bar at the same time, he went home and I went for a drive trying to figure out how to stop my marriage from falling apart.

Crystal: Yeah we shall see, whatever you're hiding is going to come to the light soon enough. Just make sure my son here early please and goodnight.

Devale: So I'm a liar now? I'm not hiding shit.

Crystal: What you are isn't my concern, goodnight.

Before Crystal went to bed she sent Chelsea a text.

Snake Ass Bitch:
Bitch it's on-site, stay safe!

The next morning Devale brought Aden over at 9:30 in the morning. He was pissed to see she changed the locks.

She opened the door wide enough to get Aden but had it blocked enough where Devale couldn't walk in.

Devale: Man move out the way.

Crystal: No, what do you need to come in here for? I'll bring him to you in the morning before I got to work.

Devale was trying to see past her to see if someone else was there. Why are you acting like I can't come in, and what did you change the locks for?

Crystal: Because you can't come in and this is my house. What would you need a key for?

Devale: Because my wife and son are here, I told you I need full access to him.

Crystal: You mean full access to me. Was there anything else,if not I'd like to get my day started. With that she closed the door in his face and went about her day.

Crystal had a great stress free Sunday just mommying and enjoying being in her own space. Devale kept Aden the following Monday he brought Aden home Tuesday night.

Crystal invited him to stay for dinner, she felt it was important for then to spend time together with Aden and also check in with each other.

Devale: You look nice, how was your day?

Crystal: It was ok, I couldn't wait to get off, I missed Papa Bear. This separation is bittersweet. I miss us but the non toxic version of us if that makes sense. How are you?

Devale: I'm alright I guess, I mean my mom is ill, my wife and son are gone, I'm just trying to figure us out, are you?

Crystal: Yes Devale, that's still the goal.

They spent the evening catching up, laughing enjoying each other like old times.

Devale: It's getting late, I'm going to head home. I gotta run to Target before they close. Uhm can I get a hug from my wife before I go.

Crystal walks into his embrace, neither wanted to let the other go. They were each other's safe space, he gave her a forehead kiss then left.

After he left Crystal decided she needed think about giving her marriage another chance. Her work/mom life is coming together beautifully but she didn't want to sacrifice her marriage for it.

Devale honestly wasn't doing good at all, he is falling unto depression. He house feels empty, when he doesn't have Aden he just drinks smoke and plays his game to pass the time.

Devale went to Target to purchase a new television for the living room. He grabs Aden a few toys and some clothes. He stops at the bar for a few before he heads home. He is sitting in a booth alone on drink number 3 when Chelsea comes over.

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