Chapter 2: Lying ass Chelsea

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The next day Crystal drops keeps Aden home from daycare. She isn't concerned with Devale pulling another stunt, she just wants to spend the day with her chunky cheeky baby. Although she never wanted to be mom she wouldn't trade motherhood for anything.

Before they head out for a mommy baby  day she has a situation to handle. She drives to her childhood home getting there just before her mom is pulling out the driveway.

Lois: Omg what are you doing here, give me my grand baby. She hugs Crystal and steal kisses from Aden as he chuckles. I miss my baby!

Crys: (Laughing) Mommy you're so dramatic, you literally just saw him two days ago. Where are you headed so early.

Lois: I don't care, him needs to see him granny everyday. I'm headed to Target to pick up an order, is everything ok sweetheart, your energy seems off?

Crys: I'm ok, I had a long night. I wanted him with me today. We going to have a fun day but I have to handle something first. I'll leave him with dad and I'll be back in an hour max.

Lois: No, he is going with him granny to Target, get his car seat and his baby bag. I'll be back in an hour, whatever bothering you will work itself out baby girl.

After sending Aden with his grandma Crystal is headed straight to Chelsea's house, she wanted answers..NOW

Crystal arrives at Chelsea house within 7 minutes. She parked her car in the driveway blocking Chelsea from exiting her garage. Crystal and Chelsea used to be best friends, damn near sisters so Crystal knows her schedule. Chelsea leaves the house back door that leads to the garage. She  automatically hits the button on the opener and puts her car in reverse not realizing she isn't going anywhere. To her surprise she saw Crystal's car soon as the garage door opened. But to Crystal surprise Devales car was parked next to Chelsea causing pure pain and rage in Crystal.

Chelsea: Jumps out the car trying to get back in the house and wake Devale. She knows what it looks like but looks can be deceiving. With Crystal on her heals she is fidgeting with her keys trying to get back inside the house. Just as she turns the knob the door opens. It's Devale trying to figure out what the commotion is.

Chelsea: Crystal it's not what it looks like I swear, I told him to leave. I don't want no issues. I just want my friend back. She looks to Devale for help and he gives NOTHING.

Devale immediately snatches Crys up knowing she is about to turn up on them both.

Crystal free herself from Devale, she showed up with no intention to fight Chelsea but after seeing her HUSBAND in his boxers at her ex Bestfriend home is too much. Somebody catching a beat down right now! Devale is trying to grab her again but she is too quick.

She catches Chelsea by the hair pulls her down and literally beat her face into the floor.
Devale finally grips her up again she delivers a few kicks Chelsea ribs.

Devale pins her to the couch trying to calm her down, as she is trying to break free again she notices a condom wrapper on the coffee table. She suddenly had super strength getting Devale off her.

Her body is HOT she is literally seeing Red, she is now in a full blown fist fight with her husband, of course he isn't hitting her back just trying to protect himself and calm her down.

Crystal: (hysterically screaming) Whyyyy Devale, what did I do to deserve this. We was just good 3 weeks ago, now you doubting our son and fucking my bestfriend.
She looks at Chelsea with hatred in her eyes but still just wants answers...why Chels whyyyyy? I knew you was a hoe but I never thought i would be your victim. I loved you more than my blood sister. Why did you tell him Aden isn't his, why would you make that up. How long have you been fucking my husband. I deserve an answer for you both NOW.

Devale: Baby calm down, it was a mistake.  I was drunk it was a mistake I swear, I love you. Please baby I'm so sorry.

Chelsea: Barely able to stand, wipes blood from her mouth. Looks Devale straight in the eye and say mistake? It wasn't a mistake nigha you showed up and fucked me before I could get the door closed. Crystal don't act innocent "friend" I'm just did to you exactly what you did to me.

Remember when you took my boyfriend, consider karma both of yall get the fuck out my house.

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