Chapter 22: Rage

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Momma Lois didn't know what was going on only that Crystal came in hollering asking her dad to take her home and her mom to watch Aden for a couple more hours.

Momma Lois: Honey-girl what happened. D just picked him up 10 minutes ago, whatever it is you two are grown. Don't have my grand baby mixed up in yall drama. That's your husband, work it out!

Crystal: I hear you mommy, but my husband just embarrassed and disrespected me. I know in your eyes the husband comes first but in mine my child does.

Crystal didn't mean it the way it came out but the truth was Momma Lois had chosen men over Crystal repeatedly until Crystal grandmother took her in. Lois didnt regain custody of Crystal until she was 14 years old.

Crystal: Ma I didn't mean that. I just need to get home and I don't want Aden to witness us being angry towards each other.

Momma Lois: I know sweetheart, go ahead. I'll bring him home in the morning. I love you, and yall will be ok.

Crystals dad took her home, he wasn't one to get in her business but he did  give her advice on how to approach things. He isn't her bio dad but in her eyes not even her real daddy could light a candle to her pops. There bond was strong, both knew if he had to he would kill Devale behind his baby girl and grand son.

Crystal got home before Devale did, she was pacing the floor pissed off. Normally she would be packing her shit but this time she wasn't going to run. Devale isn't her baby daddy or boyfriend, he is her husband. She felt like she had to fight for them even if he didn't want to.

Devales plan was to get some grab some lunch, liquor, and weed then chill in his mancave until his son arrived. He was startled to see Crystal when his walked in.

Devale: He looked at her then past her, Where is my son?

Even though Crystal fully intended to approach this situation calmly he had just pissed her off that fast. She attacked him, she was screaming crying and punching and pulling all at once. Once he felt blood trickerling down his face he snatched her up and pinned her down. She was still swinging, cussing and crying.

Devale: You better calm down because if I hit you back you I'm gone make sure you feel it.

Now I'm gone let you go but I'm telling you now if you hit me at all that yo ass.

She looked up at him noticing the scratches and bruises she left on his beautiful face and she did know that if he wanted to he would fuck her up. "Let me go" she said forcing herself to sound calm.

Although once she was free enough she swung on him with all her might catching him in the jaw. He could feel his lip swelling up from the inside, he tasted blood on his teeth.

In the moment Crystal knew she took it to far but it's too late now. She braced herself for whatever blow angry Devale was about to deliver.

Devale felt his blood boiling, he wanted to grab her by the neck and slam her into the wall but instead he wiped the blood from his mouth and walked away. He headed downstairs to his mancave, Crystal was right behind him.

Crystal: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to hit you like that. I'm so sorry. Her heart was hurting so badly, Devale once again looked right passed her. A few minutes later she went back upstairs, she needed to carefully plan her next move.
She went into their room and laid across the bed. The more she held her tears back the quicker they came. She was crying so hard that she couldn't catch her breath.
Suddenly anger came over her, she wanted to hurt him.  She knows the only thing her truly loves is Aden so she went to his room and started throwing his items in a bag. She was leaving and taking his pride and joy with her. Fuck him and fuck this marriage.
Devale got an motion alert on the baby monitor, he saw Crystal packing Aden's things and lost it. He ran up the stairs to his room and snatched the bag from her.

Devale: What the fuck are you doing?

Crystal: Me and my son are leaving, I won't be treated this way and I won't be separated from my child.

Devale: Yo chill out, get out of his room before I put you out.

Crystal: Put me out!

Devale with zero effort pushed Crystal out the room, she fell to the floor crying. He knelt down to pick up and but she pulled him down with her looking in his eyes for answers. He looked at her and finally broke.

Devale: Babe get up, stop crying. I can't take this shit. It's me Crys not you, babe please stop crying. Devale got up,he picked Crystal up and took her into the livingroom. She wrapped her legs around his waist refusing to let go, he sat them both down and started crying and apologizing. He kept kissing the side of her face, whispering sorry in her ear.

They sat entangled in each other just listening to each other's heart beat for a few minutes before Crystal broke the silence.

Crystal: I should go, I think we need a few days apart.

Devale: No babe, we need to talk. If you want space after then I'll leave.

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