Chapter 47: New Daddy

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Devale: You're bullshitting.

Crystal: Ok I'm bullshitting.

Devale: Wait are you playing or you are foreal?

Crystal: Babe I really am pregnant.

Devale: How far along are you, when did you find out?

Crystal: I took the pregnancy test at the hotel yesterday, because my period was 4 days late. But it did cross my mind last week after feeling queasy and tired after lunch but I shook it off. I'm not sure how far along I am yet.

Devale: Hell yeah, Lucky #3 loading!!

Crystal: Or fourth

Devale: Damn baby, you didnt have to say that. That was petty. You know I'm working on getting that handled. Give me a little time. Anyway how do you feel, I mean I joke about wanting another baby but now it's real how are you feeling?

Crystal: I'm shocked, scared and nervous. I'm trying to brace myself but I'm also happy. I miss having a little baby around.

Devale: Brace yourself for what?

Crystal: My body changing, going from two to three, breastfeeding, new born night life. All sorts of things.

Devale: Postpartum?

Crystal:(Rolls Eyes) No Devale, I wasn't thinking about that.

Devale: Why did you say it like that, are you getting upset?

Crystal: Yes because you're worried about post-partum and you want me to be. Right in this current moment I'm happy, let my me happy without you bringing up the past or the future.

Devale: I'm not trying to make you worry Crystal but you went through it with both kids. That would be irresponsible for us not to prepare ourselves.

Crystal: What are you talking about? Prepare ourselves? It isn't a us problem it's a me problem. Right now, I just want to celebrate being pregnant. Can we do that please?

Devale: Yes Crystal, let's pretend like it's not something wrong until it's too late.

Crystal: Devale stop being an asshole. You know all of that comes after the baby, so can we focus on one trimester at a time?

Devale: You're right, I didn't mean it like that. I just love you so much and want you to be good.

Crystal: I'm good babe, my first appointment is Tuesday. I really hope I can have a stress free drama free pregnancy and delivery a healthy baby. All 3 of my pregnancies have been dramatic as fuck, that's why our kids are dramatic as fuck.

Devale: Aye not to much on my babies, besides they get that dramatic shit from you. But baby I swear to you I'm going to make this pregnancy amazing for you. I know my track record isn't the best but we're not the same people we were when you had those runts. I got you baby I swear.

Crystal: I believe you, we have a great last couple of years and once we get to the bottom of this paternity shit we can move on. Devale listen, now is the time to put it all on the table because if any other women or babies pop up then I'm out.

Devale: I got nothing to hide. Do you?

Crystal: You're joking right?

Devale: No I'm serious, we've been in this almost 7 years. You've never even almost cheated on me?

Crystal: Never.

Devale: What about Jamie?

Crystal: Wait what? I said never Devale, I have never cheated on you. Why are you bringing him up anyway,  that was so fucking random.

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