Chapter 9: Messy Chelsea

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Crystal's Livingroom

Devale: Crys baby wake up, I'm about to head home.

Crystal: No babe, can you stay here tonight. I'm comfortable I don't want to move.

Devale: No Crystal I'm leaving are you coming or not?

Crystal: Fine, I guess I'll talk to you later.

Devale: Whatever Renee, this shit is getting old. I'm gonna go ahead and leave before you make an issue out of a non issue.

Crystal: Me? You're the one who acts like staying one night here is just the worst thing ever. I stay over at your place a few times a week and you won't stay a night, that's wild.

Devale: The difference is you like sleeping at my house. My house is our home, your house is YALL home. Nigga can't walk around free over here, I can barely get comfortable. Something has to give because this isn't working for me.

Crystal: What isn't working for you Devale? This living situation or this relationship, be specific!

Devale: NEITHER!

Crystal: Got it, see yourself out.

Devale: You're not serious?

Crystal: Deadass. You want to leave then leave. Leave me, leave this "relationship" leave it all. Go.

Devale: So because I won't stay here tonight you ready to throw it all away. What's really going on?

Crystal: I'm tired, I just wanted to curl up on the couch, watch reruns of Martin and chill with you. Apparently I'm asking to much, my apologies.

Devale: Crystal be honest with me. Are you seeing someone else? You know I'm going home yet this is the third argument we have had about the subject this week. When I leave is another nigga coming because something isn't adding up.

Crystal: Devale, you sound ridiculous. Why would I ask you to stay if someone else was on the way. You just say any fucking thing.

Devale: Do I? And please don't hit me with your  "technically you single, we're not together" bullshit. I swear that's your favorite line.

Crystal: We not together and I am single, you just said yourself this relationship isn't working for you so what point are you trying to prove?

Devale: My point is you been on some other shit lately. You keep telling yourself you single and imma make that shit happen! You must think you Chelsea or some shit, always going out drinking with no fucking clothes on and rotating niggas. Huh, is that what you on? You gone stop playing with me, over there mad over nothing. You been fine all fucking day, you knew when I got here I wasn't staying. Matter of fact, get dressed you're coming with me. We need to finish this discussion in private.

Crystal: We are in private. Chelsea is minding her business and has nothing to do with your control issues so leave her out of this. I said I'm not going to your house tonight Devale and I meant it. You are the only person making yourself uncomfortable. I'm tired, I have a stress headache, and I'm irritated. Can you please stay here tonight. I don't sleep comfortable without you, I need you.

Devale: Ok baby, go get in the shower. I'll make you some tea, we can table this conversation for now.

In the Kitchen

Chelsea: Oh hey Devale thought you would be gone by now, did you need to get in here.

Devale: Uhm yeah, I came to make Crys some tea, I won't be long.

Chelsea: Oh take your time, I don't mind the view.

Devale: Excuse me, what was that.

Chelsea: Oh nothing, I said I don't mind you being in here that's all.

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