Chapter 51: Labor Pains

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It's the following Saturday the house is calm. Devale is working from home to keep and eye on Crystal as well as eliminate the need for a nanny.

Crystal fired Harmony but never told her she knew who she really is and what they were planning. Crystal wanted to handle the situation without involving Madam to send a message that she will personally kill you behind her cubs.

Crystal: What's wrong baby?

Aniya: Aden won't let me play with his game and Daddy said I can't have ice cream until I take a nap but I'm not sleepy.

Crystal: Aww, you want Mommy to get you some ice-cream?

Aniya: Yes please.

Aniya took Crystal's hand leading her into the kitchen. Devale was sitting in his home office working, he wants to keep a close eye on Crystal and the kids until after she has the baby.

The house is chaotic with packed boxes, some items are already at the new house. Devale put everything on hold for now. He has hired security to watch the house, he also confiscated both of the kids school laptops, iPad, and phones for tracking devices. He is on super high alert, he pulled Niya out of school completely and Aden goes to school and home only.

Crystal has mixed feelings about the situation. She knows Aniya should be in school but understands it's just pre k and that her baby safety is what's more important. On the other hand she loves spending this extra one on one time bonding with her daughter. Crystal has never gotten over Aniya spending her first month in the NICU, she also has never forgiven herself for walking away from Aniya on her 1st night home. She cuddles her just a little bit more because of it.

Devale: Babe what are you doing up, you have to hold him in for a few more days.

Crystal: I wanted some Ice-cream and I have to much energy to sit down babe.

She handed Niya two bowls of Ice-cream one to take to Aden. She stood against the counter eating hers.
Want some?

Devale: Some what?

Crystal: You play so much.

Devale: I do don't I. Here, at least sit down. He pulled a kitchen chair out for her. How are you feeling?

Crystal: Nervous and Anxious.

Devale: Why? Talk to me.

Crystal: I don't know why babe, I can't shake the feeling something is bad is going to happen.

Devale: You've been saying that for 9 months babe, everything will be fine.

Crystal: I hope so.

Aden: Daddy can I have some orange soda to put in my Ice-cream.

Devale: No.

Crystal: Come here papa!

Aden ran over to hug her. "Hi mommy, is my brother coming today?"

Crystal: I don't know if your brother or sister is coming today. Come here mommys big boy! Are you ready to be a big brother again?

Aden: Yes mommy, I'm going to teach him how to play my game.

Crystal: That's so sweet, but it could be a sister papa.

Aden: Mommy how does the baby get out of your stomach?

Crystal: The doctor will take the baby out.

Aden: But mommy how does the doctor get in your stomach to take the baby out?

Crystal: Scissors

Aden: No mommy, he will cut my brother.

Crystal: He won't cut the baby sweetheart.

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