Chapter 10: Trust issues

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It took Devale just 20 minutes to make the 35 min drive from my house to his. He didn't even open the car door for me, and he was damn near in the shower before I made it in the house. I know he is trying to calm himself down and I know when he is like this my best option is to leave him completely alone.

I'm either nervous or nauseous for some reason, I'm starting to fill light headed. Half of my body wants to climb in bed and knock out, the other half is telling me that I'm about to lose my dinner.

I grabbed a Tylenol pm and some crackers out the cabinet and retreated to the bedroom. I'm quite comfortable considering a half hour ago I was choked and dragged out of my house wearing a damn snuggie with mixed match ankle socks on.

I wanted to talk to Devale and explain my innocence, I want him to know that although I'm single, we go together real bad, and I would never play with him like that.

Unfortunately for him before the conversation happens the meds kick in and I knock all the way out. I kinda remember him turning off the shower but I'm not sure of the lapse in time between that and hearing him call my name. I felt him climb in bed, put his hand under my sports bra resting it in the warm center of my boobs, I felt him pull me in and kiss my cheek before we were both snoring comfortably in each other's arms.

I woke up before Crys I made breakfast and showered, now I'm just laying here watching her sleep. It's one of my favorite hobbies.

Crystal: I can feel you watching me, it's very weird Mr. Taylor

Devale: I overreacted. I promised to never put my hands on you again and I broke my word. Yes, I was upset but thats not an excuse. I'm disappointed in myself, you were afraid and I'm sorry.

And regarding your statement I'll be weird because I'll never stop admiring you get your beauty sleep. Now come on, I made breakfast.

Crystal: I finished my morning routine and met Devale in the kitchen. He made bacon, eggs scrambled with cheese and milk, French toast, fresh fruit with a Cranberry mimosa.

He also has brought out the adult coloring books uno cards and weed. We usually eat breakfast in the livingroom watching TV like school aged children on Saturdays but when I saw the coloring books next to 5 neatly rolled blunts I knew he really wanted me to listen while he expressed himself. It's how he allows his inner child to have difficult conversations. I love this about him.

Devale: How's your breakfast, and how is the headache?

Crystal: Breakfast is great. If I could get a refill on that mimosa it will be even better, and the headache is almost gone. Thank God.

Devale: Good to hear, so you know your little friend has to go right.

Crystal: Straight to it huh, pass me the cards so I can shuffle them good. I pass on the weed since my headache isn't completely gone.

I dealt our first hand before I responded. I'm not sure she needs to go but we definitely need to have a sit down.

Devale: Babe, I've never in the entire 3 years of knowing you tried to pick you friends or your clothes. But Chelsea doesn't like you, she's jealous of you and wants to witness your downfall. She is actually your enemy and you don't see it. Not only is she living in your house but she doesn't respect you or your relationship. She sees you as a possession and I don't like it.

Crystal: The same can be said for you though. It's the main reason I'm afraid to jump back all in. You don't always see me as an equal, you boss and control me.
For example why can we be together and live separate? Why do you assume if I'm not with you I'm entertaining other men. Why don't you trust me fully like you used to?

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