Chapter 14: Confusion

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The next morning Crystal woke up to Devale talking to her belly. He was telling Aden not to give his mommy any discomfort today and that he couldn't wait to meet him.

He vowed to make his son proud to have him as a dad. He knew that in order to do right by him that he had to do right by Crystal. He needed them to be on the same page.

Devale saw Crystal was fully awake he stood looking down at her. She looked up at him before she quickly turned away she could feel herself becoming emotional.

Devale: Good morning beautiful, how are you feeling?

Crystal: I'm ok. Excuse me I have to pee.

Devale: Let me help you up.

Crystal- Devale helped me to my feet then I waddled to the restroom. He stood at the door while I got myself together.

Devale: I made breakfast, come sit with me. I'll set your food up in the livingroom since the kitchen stools aren't comfortable for you.

Crystal: Okay uhm thanks. Did you call my mom yet?

Devale: Do you want orange juice or a fruit smoothie with breakfast?

Crystal: Orange please. Devale did you call...

Devale: Yes Crys, she will be here this afternoon. I'll have Ang come sit with you until Momma Lois gets here at 4. Now can we have breakfast before I have to leave both my babies for the rest of the week...please?

Crystal didn't respond verbally, she felt bad, she didn't mean for it to come like that. She's just afraid of being alone when she goes into labor. She was sitting lost in her thoughts not realizing Devale was waiting for a reply.

Crystal: Yes of course. Uhm I didn't mean it like that. I was making sure she was coming. Last night scared me, and I don't want to be here alone when I go into labor.

Devale: You know I could just stay, I mean you are my wife carrying my child. It's my responsibility to make sure my family is ok not your mom. You know that right?

Crystal: (Getting frustrated) I know Devale, Let's just eat breakfast ok.

Devale: Why are you getting upset Crystal?

Crystal: (starts to cry)  I I I don't know, I want you to go but I want you to stay. I want you here when I go into labor  but I can't take looking at you knowing you think I don't want him. I feel like you labeled me a bad mom before he even gets here. You hurt my feelings and I want you out but I feel selfish because our baby deserves you here.

Also I'm trying to ignore the physical pain in my back, on my bladder and in my rib cage. I'm tired of sharing my body and I feel like I'm already failing him and after last night I'm scared to give birth, what if I die? What if something happens to him during delivery?  What if I am a bad mom, what if he can feel that I'm not maternal, what if he doesn't like me?

Lastly, I hate when you refer to me as your wife it confuses me because we're not even together yet I feel secure and safe everytime you use the term. But the reality is you don't want a wife, you want a son. I feel like you're going to always remind yourself, me and my son that I didn't want to be a mom and that's not fair. I never wanted motherhood but I wants my son the moment I knew he existed.

I will prob never be a wife to you or anyone else. I went from a promising career is law to a baby mama for someone who I honestly don't see a future with.

Devale didn't interrupt he just        hugged her until she got it all out, then helped her get situated in the livingroom so they could eat breakfast.

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