Chapter 21: Cold Hard Truth

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The next morning they both worked from home and cleared their afternoon schedules, making an emergency therapy appointment. They took Aden over to momma Lois, and headed straight there.

Therapist: So who wants to start? What brings you in today?

Crystal: Well Devale is isolating himself and I'm feeling unheard. I don't know what's going on or how to help.

Devale: Crystal can't accept or believe me when I tell her I got it. She doesn't trust that we're good even if I got other shit going on.

Crystal: That's because we're not good when you're stressed out. Devale do you know you didn't give me didn't give me any affection yesterday? From the moment you finished your run until 2am when I woke up without you, every  sentence you said was either an accusation or a threat.


"You better figure your work shit out" "where the fuck you been" "it's 10:00pm meaning get in the house NOW" "did you just hear what I said" "you got off early where were you"

Wasn't that you all fucking day? Yeah it was, so stop saying your stress doesn't affect me. It does!

Devale: No, the problem is you want to control everything in every situation and I won't let you. You need to respect me as your husband when I say I got it handled.

I don't confide in you with certain shit because it's not for you to worry about. It's for me to worry about it. Let me handle it. And you do need to figure out your work shit and you still did not tell me where you were at yesterday.

Where were you at yesterday?

Crystal: My work shit as you refer to it is figured out, you just don't want me out the house for any extended period of time and that's a problem. Yes you're my husband but you're not my owner i'm my own person.

Devale: No, you're my WIFE and Aden's mom first and always. Then you can work and  do that other shit, but if you telling me that you're too tired to mother your child where the fuck did you find the energy to disappear for 2 fucking hours?

Crystal: No devale, I'm ME then a mother then your wife you knew I did not want to give up my career. And I'm not going to so YOU figure it out and stop questioning me about where I was at for 2 hours damn. Do you think I was cheating is that your real concern?

I was chilling by myself thinking by myself. I wasn't anywhere with anybody I was with me myself and I don't ask me again.

Devale: Crystal, it doesn't have anything to do with any of that, you know what fuck it. Go do whatever you want for as long as you want, damn your son and your husband long as you can do you right?

Crystal: Where is this coming from Devale, since when don't you trust me?

This is about to be a bigger issue because since we moved in you literally get upset if I'm out of your sight longer than 20 minutes. This is why I regret....nevermind.

Devale: Nah say what you were going to say, you regret what. You regret us getting married, having my son, or the fact I put an end to that two household shit so now you have nowhere to run? Which one is it?

Crystal: I regret wasting my time and energy on coming here today. You don't get it, I'm upfront with you about how it makes me feel when you shut me out yet you do it anyway.

You fought so hard for me and baby to move in with you to be a family but it was really to keep your eye on me. You know I'm not a cheater, you know this. I love you and I love my son and I know you don't want to hear it but yall are not my entire existence. The cold hard truth of it all is that you're suffocating me!

Devale: I'm suffocating you? If you want to leave then leave, I don't give a fuck.

Crystal: Ok now you're just being mean, you don't mean that. You're trying to hurt me on purpose.

Devale: Not at all, I'm giving you what you want..freedom. Now if yall would excuse me I need to pick up my son and head home.

Crystal: Devale stop it. We are here to work this out, you're taking it to far.

Devale: Stop what? Stop trying to make your selfish ass happy. Your spent the first part of Adens life depressed, I got you out that environment and you still not happy. I give up.

Crystal: Devale you forced a life on me that I didn't want. Don't get me wrong I love my life, I love being your wife and I would drown water for my son. But my life is still my own, I wanted to be a lawyer since before I met you. We worked together to get me through my last semester of law school, now that I've landed a job in my career field you have an issue. I support 100%, I'm trying to support you in whatever is going on but you won't let me. I don't know what to do anymore.

Devale: Yo I'm going to head out, doc I'll schedule a solo appointment soon. I'm not about to sit listen to no more of this bullshit narrative.

Therapist: Let's cool down and reset, I think you both have been holding some things in that's coming to the surface.

Devale: Nah I'm cool. Look I gotta go.

Devale headed for the exit, Crystal apologized to the therapist then followed Devale out. The road to momma Lois house in silence. Devale pulled up got out an slammed the door. Crystal sat in the passenger side and cried. She didn't know what she did or how to fix it.

Devale came out with Aden. He strapped him in the carseat. He opened Crystal's door and told her to get out.

Crystal: What do you mean get out?

Devale: Have your mom take you home, get out my car. My son and I got somewhere to be.

Crystal: Devale you out your fucking mind if you think you about to leave and take my son.

Devale: I can help you out, you moving to slow.

Crystal leaned over the backseat, unstrapped her son and tried to leave

Devale: I said you not him. I forced this life on you and you're suffocating right. So since me and my son a problem you can go. I got him.

Crystal: Fuck you, my son not going nowhere without me. Her and Aden got out the car.

Devale: Have my son home by 9pm, if I have to come looking for you it won't be pretty.

Devale drove off before she could respond.

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