Chapter 7: Blurred Lines

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He tried to pull me off of him, but I locked my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I want to stay in this moment for as long as possible.

I missed him, his scent, his voice, his embrace, all the makings of him.

He walks to the livingroom with me still attached to him, he sits on the recliner which puts me in the straddled position. He prys my hands from around his neck forcing intense eye contact. I know this look, he is angry. It's a stare down that takes me just seconds to lose.

I have so much I need to say, I have so many questions.

Where has he been?
Why is he here?
Is he hurt, is he ok?
Does he still hate me?
Why did it take three months to talk to me but why isn't he hugging me back was my final thought before anxiety mixed with hurt feelings took over.

I can't talk, I can't breathe and I can't stop the flood of emotions that I'm trying so desperately to control.

I finally calm my breathing down enough to get out two words.

"I'm Sorry" I cry out to him. He looks me in my eyes. He can see and feel my truth. His eyes go from anger to concern instantly. I once again lock my arms around his neck, this time he pulled me in. I love that for me!

Chelsea is standing at the door looking confused as fuck. She gathered that's Devale but why is he here and since when did Crystal show this much emotion. Especially towards a nigga, she didn't like this at all.

Her date pulled up, with attitude she says to Crystal "Well I'm gone, I see you busy or whatever" she slammed the door before Crystal could respond.

Crystal was used to this jealous side of Chelsea, she's always been a bit territorial over her. But because she was in a different state for the duration of my relationship with Devale  it's never been an issue. I'll address that later.

Right now nothing in this world matters outside of this man and this moment.


I don't know what I was thinking or why I'm here.  I just know seeing  that man in her story angered me and before I could talk myself out of showing up here, I was already at her door.

I wasn't expecting this reaction or any particular reaction at all. I'm somewhere between anger and confusion. I have questions that need answers.

I want to explain to her how I feel, how she hurt me, how she denied me, how she thinks I'll allow her to replace me most importantly how she left me. However I can't find the rage that drove me here. In this moment I'm puddy in her hands, I'm lost in her cries, I'm literally tangled in her grasp.

And awkward silence fell over the house once the door slammed shut.

Crystal: Sorry about that, that's my roommate Chelsea. Devale had heard stories but never met her. What are you doing here?

Devale: Who was that nigga you had here earlier, is that your new man?

Crystal: No, a friend, that's it.

Devale: Are you fucking him?

Crystal: Is that why you're here because you can leave if that's your only concern. I say as I lift myself off him, I should've known better

Devale: I asked you a question, ARE YOU FUCKING HIM?

Don't act like Kayla hasn't made it her solo mission to let all our mutal gym friends know yall fucking. Who I'm fucking is MY business. I mind my business so please mind yours!


Crystal: Not anymore, not since you refused to talk to me for THREE FUCKING MONTHS!!

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