Chapter 52: Rampage

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The room is spinning. The kids are screaming. Crystal is yelling for help, she is trying to yell for Devale but he already took off to find the baby stealing nurse.

Crystal manages to calm down enough to grab her babies and call Madam to come get her. She also called Angela to come get the kids. Fuckkk!

It's okay, it's okay mommy promises its ok. Devale comes back to the room looking defeated.

Devale: There gone, whoever took him is gone.

Crystal is looking down at her phone while still soothing the kids.

Crystal: Babe listen to me please, take the kids until Angela gets here. I need to get dressed.

Devale: No you just had a baby, no Crystal and I'm not fucking playing. You don't know what you're walking into, I am not about to potentially lose my wife and my baby. No!

Crystal: Babe. That's my son, she took my 10hr old baby. You just gone have to be mad, I'm going to get my baby.

Devale: Did you hear what the fuck I said.

Aden: Daddy don't curse at mommy like that. I don't like it, stop it.

Devale: Papa hush before you get popped.

Crystal: You better not touch him you need to calm down. I need to tell you something but not until you calm down.

Devale: What? What? WHAATTTTTT?

Crystal: Stop fucking screaming at me!!

The police entered her room because of the commotion and because Devale was uncontrollable.

Angela walked in just then, thank God. Ok babies me and Daddy will be to get you soon ok. Please be good. Aniyah said goodbye Aden only said goodbye to his mother. He didn't want to leave her, he was afraid of his dad's temper. Crystal picked up on it and assured Aden she would be ok and that his brother is ok.

Angela left and Devale is standing in the corner watching Crystal get dressed as if he didn't just tell her she isn't going anywhere repeatedly.

The police are asking questions no-one knows the answers too.

Devale: You pissing me the fuck off Crystal, what aren't you telling me. If something happens to my son and you could prevent I'll never forgive you.

Crystal: This is all your fucking fault Devale. We just need to wait for Madam she's on the way. Hold your "I'm a bad mother" speech until my son is back please.

Devale: Crystal do you know where he is, you're way to fucking calm.

Crystal: Devale I'm not calm I'm just more calm than you because someone has to focus and not make matters worse.

Crystal dismissed the police refusing to answer any of their questions. Just then Madam walked in the room.

Crystal broke down when she saw her cousin.

Crystal: Cousin she has my baby. Tell me you got eyes on her.

Madam: She's dead! I killed that bitch.

Crystal: Where is my son.

Blue walked in holding the infant, she handed him to Crystal.

Crystal: Thank you God, look Devale he is ok.

Devale was looking at her saying something she couldn't make up. He didn't look happy to see the baby. He still had a look of confusion on his face. Devale walked over to Crystal took the baby out her hands.

Devale: Thank you God! Crystal I want a divorce and full custody of my kids. You can't keep them safe. It's over!

Devale took the baby and walked out, Crystal was crying and yelling for him to come back.

Crystal: Devale please stop, give me my son please please Devale. Please don't take him..Devale Devale Devallle.

Devale: Crystal baby wake up, we're you having a bad dream?

Crystal: Omg baby it was so real. I dreamt she stole the baby. You ran after her but couldn't find her, Madam found him but then you left me and took the kids. Baby it was so real, it felt so real.

Devale: Baby he is fine, you fell asleep breast feeding him. Look he is ok, the kids are ok and you know I would never leave you baby. It was just a bad dream.

Crystal was relieved it was just a dream but she knew now that she had  given birthday it was time for Bianca to die. That dream was a warning alerting her thar her kids were in danger.

Once they Devale moved them to the new home, he kept security on the house at all times. He was aware Bianca could only hide for so long before avenging her sisters death.

About 3 weeks later Devale and Aden was out and about. Peanut and Ace were home with Crystal. Peanut ran to her mom to show her a message she received on her iPad.

Harmony: Hi Aniya, I miss you. Are you enjoying being a big sister.

Crystal responded as if she was Niya to hopefully track Harmonies location. Luckily for her it worked.

Madam and Devale showed up to Harmonies location a few hours later.

Bianca: Bitch you got some nerve coming to my house.

Devale: You sent for me right, you want me dead. You want to hurt my wife and kids right. Here is your opportunity.

Before she could reply Madam shot her dead. Harmony yelled for her mother, she was afraid.

Harmony:Mommmmmmmyyy! You killed her, you killed my mother. What am I going to do without my mother.

Madam pointed the gun at Harmonies forehead. I'll give you a 10 minute head start. If I catch you I'll kill you too. If you ever contact my little cousin again you will be dead within the hour. Do you understand?

A few months past. Crystal and Ace were doing great. Life was good, her and Devale was in a great space. She loved her new house, she was planning a family vacation for the kids spring break.

They were sitting around the table having a family discussion about where they wanted to vacation when they heard a knock at the door.

Crystal: Babe it's the police.

Devale: Yes officers what's going on.

Police: We need to take you down to the station for questioning regarding the murder of Bianca Jackson and the disappearance of Harmony Jackson.

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