Chapter 30: I hate you

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Crystal made Devales and Adens plates and announced dinner was ready before she dipped off to be alone in her room.

Devale put Aden in his highchair and pulled him to the table. Aden was very hungry today. He spent part of the afternoon at Lego land and the later part at the toddler park. Devale waited a few minutes before calling out for Crystal. She wasn't responding. He went to her room to see where she was. She was laying across her bed with her back turned towards him.

Devale: What's wrong?  You good?

Crystal: Yeah, I'm good. I'm not hungry.

Devale: So you can have lunch with your new nigga but can't have dinner with your son?

Crystal: Don't do that. Don't ever make it seem like I'm choosing anyone over him. This is exactly why I came in my room. I knew you was about to be on that bullshit.

Devale: Having dinner with your son is bullshit? I'm not about to question you about shit if that's what you are worried about. My kids are my ONLY concern. Now come have dinner with your son and your HUSBAND!

Crystal: You sure about that? I mean if they your only concern why you got a attitude?

Devale: I have a attitude because you in here instead of out there.

Crystal: You have an attitude because you want a explanation for something that isn't your business. I'm a grown single woman Devale.


Devale yelling made Aden start crying and Crystal tear up. Crystal took Aden out his highchair she was holding him on her hip trying to soothe him while looking at Devale. She puts a screaming Aden in Devales lap. Here you calm him down, since he the only one you are here for.

Devale calmed Aden down and did his night routine, it's now time for bed he already knows both his wife and son about to act up. Devale takes Aden to Crystal who is comfortably watching T.V

Devale: Hey I brought him in to say goodnight and I'm sorry for yelling at you, I really am working on it.

Crystal took her baby from Devale never looking his way. She put Aden in his favorite spot right up under her, gave him some forehead kisses before she looked up. "Goodnight Devale" she said.

Devale: You know what, you got it. I'll be back. I'm going for a drive I need some air.

Crystal: It's almost 10:00pm you been gone all day, didn't you get enough air?

Devale: I'm not arguing with you, that defeats the purpose of me being here. You're purposely working against me regarding him sleeping in his bed so I'm removing myself before I do or say something I regret.

Crystal: You can stay gone for all I care. I hate you. I fucking hate you, don't come back!

Devale went to his house for a break. He played his games, took some shots, took a shower then headed back to Crystal's.
He got back to Crystal's house at 2am, he poured himself another shot and took a deep breath before going to remove Aden from his mom's grasp. Devale was determined to break this co-sleeping habit.

Crystal whined in her sleep when he tried to take Aden out her arms. "No Baby, leave him"

Hearing her call him baby made him smile. It's been so long since he had heard that term of endearment. He missed it. He concedes again, allowing the sleeping duo to have their way. He let Aden go, rubbed her belly and went to the guest room.

Peanut woke Crystal up at 4am, she went to the restroom. She only knew Devale was there because the light from the guest bathroom illuminated into the hallway. She didn't know what came over her but she went climbed in bed with Devale.

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