Chapter 29: My Love

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Angela: Devale did you forget I have a husband and 4 whole kids. Trust me I got it, relax.

Devale: Ok I'll be back, RIGHT back.

Crystal: Omg is this what my life is about to be like until I have this baby, I promise I'm going to 100% relax for the next two weeks because I can't go the rest of this pregnancy like this, your going to drive me crazy.

Devale: (Smirks) You already drive me crazy, now I'll be back ok.

Angela: Yall both crazy lol. So that must have been a hell of a dinner last night. I was too surprised when he called Julien to ask me to sit with you while he packs up his stuff to move in. Bitchhhh talk about shocked lol.

Crystal: Yessss gurl, he stayed over a few hours with Aden. My baby missed his daddy, he was on 12 running through here. When D saw he was walking I could see the shame he felt missing out on that moment. Anyway he drove me to my appointment today,  Dr. Jackie told him about the pain in my side for the past month. The nigga TOLD me he is moving in to help with Aden. It's only for two weeks until my doctor clears me or I hit 20 weeks whichever comes first.

Angela: Two weeks my ass, friend I'm not go lie to you. That man not going nowhere until you have the baby, you might as well get used to it. But are you ok? Is it a constant pain?

Crystal: No it's when I sleep. I got a boppy, and giant pillow, nothing helps. Its like the baby tries to run out of my fucking uterus every time I'm getting good sleep.

Angela: Are yall or did yall get back together?

Crystal: No, I'm not interested. He asked or better yet told me the divorce has to hold off until I give birth because "he don't want no stress on his baby" lol

Angela: Girls thats like what 6.5 or 7 months from now. If yall make it 6 months then sis stay married!

Crystal: I'm just going to get through these two weeks because I know he is about to be down my neck every time he see me doing anything. We are not together so I'm worried about how we are going to coexist as single co-parents.

Angela: Listen if you decide to work it out with him you know that's ok too right? That's your husband and the father of your kids. You have every right to be upset about that snake bitch and Aden getting hurt, but you also have every right to forgive your husband.

Crystal: I'm not there yet but I here you. Sooo what's in that big ass bag lol

Angela: Girl I almost forgot, I went shopping for the baby. Nothing much, just a case of diapers, 5 outfits, the cutest little robe, and you know I couldn't leave my bad ass God son out. I got him a remote control Tonka truck and some pj's. It's mostly yellow, mint green, soft gray, red and a little brown all gender neutral until you tell me the gender.

Crystal: Aww thank you friend, you stay blessing my babies! We found out today sis, we're not telling until the baby is born.

Angela: Awww that's cute I guess!

Crystal: So speaking of snake bitches, he mentioned he handled her, I wonder what that means but I really don't care.

Angela: Yes the fuck you do, ill find out. Her nigga is Juliens boss, ill definitely find out friend.

Devale: Fine out what? What yall talking about?

Angela: If eating your placenta causes hair growth, do you know?

Devale: Hell naw, act like I didn't asked that shit sounds savage.

Crystal: Lol you got back fast, where my baby?

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