Chapter 44: Cheater?

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Devale: Hey Kory, what's up.

Kory: Hey cousin, I hate to call you so early with bad news. Cj overdosed last night, he was found outside in the grass at 5am.

Devale: What, I just talked to him, this can't be real.

Kory: Yep when the police went in the house they found guns, weed, come and meth. They said he died instantly. I don't know how to feel cousin, we tried to get him help for years.

Devale: It's ok Kory, I got you.

It was an open and shut case, no one even suspected he was murdered. I never inquired but I know my husband had a hand in it. I kinda almost think Devale did it himself except I took his car keys that night before I went to sleep. It's been two years since either one of us had said the names Chelsea or Cj for that I'm grateful.

Aden: Niya you have to listen to me, I'm the big brother so I'm the boss

Aniyah:No mommy is the boss not you.

Aden: Me mommy and daddy are the boss of you because your a baby.

Aniyah: I not a baby, I a big girl. Right Mommy am I a big girl.

Crystal: Yes peanut your a big girl but you do have to listen to Aden if he is trying to help you ok. Let him buckle you in please mama's

Aden: See I told you I'm the boss of you

Crystal: Fatty you are not the boss of her just of yourself ok.

Aden: Well then you strap her up since you the boss of everybody and where is my Daddy.

Crystal: Who are you talking to like that? You better fix that tone before you get jacked up. You want a black eye on a Monday morning Mr.Mouth because I got a knuckle sandwich with your name on it.

Aden: No mommy, you so silly. Seriously mommy, where is Daddy. He should've been here by now.

Crystal: I don't know baby, I'll call him  ok.

Devale: Hey Wife, I'm going to be later than I thought. Take Niyah first and I'll meet you at Adens school.

Aden: But Daddy you promised.

Devale: I know papa this line longer then I thought but I will be there before you get there ok. Niyah baby I'm picking you up from school today, be good and I'll see you later ok princess.

Peanut- Ok daddy, I won't cry like Aden does. I am a big girl.

Crystal: Now Niyah leave Aden out of this, you know he sensitive.

Crystal got Niyah off to pre k before taking Aden to school 15 minutes away. Today was show and tell, most kids brought a small toy, some even a pet but my son brought his daddy.

Devale waited until an hour ago decide he wanted to provide breakfast for the entire class and staff. He made it there before we arrived, Aden was glowing. My baby is obsessed with his father, shit so am I so I get it.

Aniyah is a little independent grown woman. We are her assistants and she is the queen of the household. When she was little I was scared we wouldn't have a tight bond.

I. Was. Wrong.

If sis could climb back inside of me she would, she literally lives in my skin. It's both of our faults that these kids are mouthy and spoiled rotten but they are also very well mannered and well behaved.

We live a very chaotic life between both of us working fulltime and the kids various schedules but it works for us. Devale wants one more baby but it's a no for me. I am the number one female criminal attorney in the metro Atlanta area. I own a beauty supply, and laundromat and notary business.

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