Chapter 53: It's a celebration

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Devale: Why am I here?

Detective: I'm sure you know the answer to that already. This isn't the time to play dumb Mr. Ellis. I have reason to believe that you're personally responsible for the execution of Bianca Jackson.

Devale: Am I being detained?

Detective: No, you're free to leave at anytime however I would strongly suggest you cooperate with us. It will look good to the judge and jury? She left a note stating that if anything happened to her, you did it, and I intend to prove that. Tell me where the girl is and it MIGHT spare you a few years.

Devale: Cool so I'm out.

Detective: Mr. Ellis you can go but eventually you'll slip up, and whenever you do, I'll be right there to cuff you.

Devale: Have a good evening detective.

Devale was cuffed, questioned and released all within a hour. When he got back home the kids were still just finishing lunch. Crystal was feeding Ace while browsing the internet for spring break destinations.

Crystal: Babe you're back already, I thought you would be atleast another hour.

Devale: Nan, you know they don't got shit.

Crystal: I know, I didn't even waste time calling a lawyer.

Devale took Ace out his highchair and sat him on his lap. "You're getting big baby boy" Ace smiled at his daddy whom he was a spitting image of.

Devale: Speaking of babe, you said once he turned six months old you wanted to go open your firm. Is that still the plan?

Crystal: Yes, and I can't wait babe. I was going to ask you to turn one of these spare rooms into a home office but I think I want a location away from home. Would that be ok with you with him being so little?

Devale: You can have both. If you want to work from home cool, if not that's ok too. As long as we have coverage for the kids everything else will fall into place.

Crystal: Thank you baby, can you put him down for his nap. Peanut and I have a tea party scheduled before Spiderman and I play super heros.

Devale: You got the energy for all that babe, I mean you barely got up this morning after I put it on you.

Crystal: You mean after I put it on you. I'm good though, I'll sleep when you take them to play with their cousins. Take Ace too, he big enough that way I can get some laundry and cleaning done in peace.

Devale: Let me hire somebody, you got enough on your plate.

Crystal: No, we're there parents we can handle it. I don't want strangers around me or my babies. It's too soon. I don't know why yall didn't kill that girl but until I personally take her off the earth no strangers are coming here.

Devale: Ok babe, I get it. I just don't want you doing to much.

Aniya: Daddy you're home. I missed you so much.

Devale: I missed you too princess, you look very pretty.

Aniya: Thank you, me and mommy are going to have a fancy tea party and guess what daddy? Mommy is taking me shopping and she said I can have color nails.

Devale: Is that right, mommy forgot to tell me all that part.

Aniya: Oops mommy I'm sorry. I didn't know it was a secret.

Crystal: It's ok baby, remember we don't keep secrets right?

Aniya: Right. Daddy can I have some monies?

Devale: Princess what do you need money for?

Aniya: I'm carrying my purse today and mommy says I'm supposed to always have money and lipgloss. I don't have money or lipgloss daddy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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