Chapter 12: Whats the Plan?

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Crystal's House

Crystal: Babe focus why are you staring at me like that?

Devale: I can't stare at your fine ass, for real though baby I know this pregnancy hasn't been easy on you and you're fed up with these weekly visits but you're almost there just a few more weeks then we become three.

Crystal: Thanks Babe, I'm sorry for yelling at you over breakfast. Even though I asked for cantolpe and you gave a honey dew melon. I know you're doing the best you can.

Now can you please finish zipping my boots up so we can get going.

Ohhh and after can we get an Italian sub from Dibellas on everything bread, provolone cheese with sweet peppers on the side?

Devale: Sure. Whatever Ashton wants.

Crystal: You're going to have my baby confused asking why his daddy keep calling him Ashton when his name is Aden. Say it with me, AAAADENNNN!

Devale: First off, that's my son, I'm the Papi and secondly I know he likes Ashton better. Don't you son I said rubbing Crystal's perfectly round 8 and a half month pregnant belly.

See, I know you felt it because I saw it, kick mommy again Ashton!

Crystal: Ouch, stop Devale. He only kicking because he ready for his Italian Sub with a cold apple juice on the side.

The appointment a normal follow up appointment. Surprisingly Crystal had a couple minimal complications regarding her tubes mostly because she followed her doctors strict orders from the moment she found out they were expecting.

She used this time to her advantage, since she was practically on bed rest she got lots of studying done. She also worked from home until her 3rd trimester. At this point she knows she will pass the bar, she is not even nervous about it. All she has to do is get this baby out of her.

Devale: Crystal that sandwich can't be that damn good, you not even breathing between bites.

Crystal: Lol Shut up Babe, I was starving. Babe I forgot I have a target pick up order, can we grab it now.

Devale: Yeah and let's get the rest of your list complete since babysRus is in the same complex but only if you have enough energy. We've been out most of the day, I know my both my babies tired.

Crystal: I'm definitely tired but I do need a breast pump and a baby carrier. I couldn't find them online.

They are in the car vibing when Crystal got a text from her friend Angela confirming they are still on for dinner and mocktails tonight. Crystal isn't on bedrest but is restricted to the house unless she has a doctor's appointment. Devale is adamant that he and he only transports her around.

They had a petty disagreement last week when she drove herself out for a  late lunch.  All she wanted was hot cheese bread and baked chicken pasta from Mama Rosas Italian spot.

Devale was at his house that day, she knew he would've got it for her but her cravings couldn't wait for him to make the almost 30 minute ride to go 6 minutes up the road. When he found out he made the decision to stay at her house 100% until Ashton arrived.

Since then he makes sure either she's never alone. Devale has plans tonight so Angela will sit with Crystal until he gets back. Angela is a close friend of Crystal's, she met her working in customer service 4 years ago. They immediately clicked being the only two non fake non clicky employees.

Devale Babe don't yall have to much fun tonight, Ang please make sure she's off her feet. Ashton be good for your mommy son ok.

Crystal: AAADDDEEEEENNNN and I will be ok babe . Go have fun  but hurry back bc I miss you already, now come give me kisses! He he kisses her and her belly then heads out.

Angela: Crystal do not move. My God baby need to stay put, I am not trying to get placenta on this dress.

Crystal: Lol you so funny, don't worry I got 2 full weeks left, mommy's baby is just a big boy she says rubbing her belly.

Angela and Crystal have a good time, laughing eating and relaxing. Angela stepped away to check on her kids for less than five minutes before Crystal was snoring on the couch. Angela text her husband to tell him to tell Devale that Crystal is sleeping so she's heading home. She also reminds Julian to talk to Devale about what they discussed.

Devale is at a poker night, it's a monthly tradition for him and some of the fellas. Crystal and Devale double dated with the two a six months ago. The fellas hit it off, since then Julian and Devale have built a solid bromance.

Julian: Broski Ang is leaving, Crystal is in bed and she won't let this baby shower thing go she asked me to ask you since Crystal shut it down.

Devale: Man Ang is the MVP. I'm not sure about the baby shower, Crystal said have the energy for it, she also doesn't want the stress of explaining how we're not together but together. Shit it confuses me and I k ow what it is lol.

Julian: So how yall gone raise this baby together while in two separate homes?

Devale: She don't know it but she's moving in with me after she has the baby, right now would be too much stress on them both. She claims her bed is more comfortable and she doesn't want to move in her final trimester. She feels more independent living alone until we figure shit out. We don't discuss "us" past  being parents. That's fine with me for now, it's complicated.

Julian: I get it, yall together but not together, yall are parents living a co-parent lifestyle. You live alone and with her...its makes perfect since lol.

Devale: Basically yeah, but I got a plan

Julian: Hey my name Bennett I ain't in it. But nigga does your plan include telling her about Chelsea?

Authors note: I missed yall, don't forget to vote. This is a filler but Chapter 13 is dropping today. This book (MIGHT) wrap up before the battle starts depending on feedback. I will say shit about to get sticky...buckle up.


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