Chapter 46: I'm sorry

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I was on the road 30 minutes before all my feelings came to the surface. I'm trying to stop the tears from falling but what the fuck. What if this is his child, how will that effect our children especially Aden. Maybe I'm worried more about me than them. It sounds selfish and it may be but I'm the only person I want him to have children with. I was hoping he would be home when I left but wasn't surprised that he was gone.

I called  Aden he didn't answer. I haven't talked to them since I dropped them off at school.  It's currently 5:17 I know they have been picked up. I call again and again no answer. I know Niyah won't answer but I try her anyway.

Niyah: Hi Mommy!!!!!

Crystal: Hey baby girl, how was school?

Niyah: It was good, I stayed on green all day Mommy. Can I get ice cream when we get home please.

Crystal: Baby remember I told you I had to go out of town for work.

Niyah: I thought I was going with you mommy, did you leave me?

Crystal: Your staying with Daddy but I'll be back in a few days and we can go on an ice cream date. How does that sound?

Niyah: But I wanna go with you now Mommy.

Crystal: Niyah I need you to be a big girl ok, I'll be back before you know it and I'll bring you back something special ok.

Niyah: Ok mommy, when is Daddy coming I want to go home.

Crystal: Where are you?

Niyah: At grandma and grandpa house. Aden is riding his bike but I don't want to ride bikes I want to play with my moshies at home.

Crystal: I'm sure daddy will be there soon, did you eat dinner yet?

Niyah: No but grandma gave me a snack and mommy guess what?

Crystal: What?

Niyah: After dinner were making brownies and grandma said we can lick the spoons!

Crystal: Oooh Peanut, that's the best part!

Niyah: Mommy I'm going to go ride bikes now, I love you bye.


I gotta teach my baby proper phone etiquette, she does good for four but when shes done shes done. I wonder where my husband is and why I haven't spoken to him since last night. How is he going to go ghost like he not the one bringing extra kids into our life. Lord please don't let that be his baby and please let us get back on track.






🫡👅🍑 CUM home

🫦😌👌🏾  I'll be there in an hour.

Devale: When I say God comes through. I took the kids to their grandmother's so I could figure out how handle this Kayla shit. I need my wife to understand that she comes before these kids no matter how many kids I have.

I took the kids a change of clothes so they could spend the night. Grandpa will take them to school. I need to have a conversation with my wife and I also need to pay Kayla a visit.

Two hours later we're FUCKING fucking, I'm moaning and cumming, while he is giving me useless commands. I'm in control, I took turns riding his dick and face through 4 orgasms before he made me tap out while giving me back shots.

"It's been a while since we did this, pick your poison" he says, I go for uno and orange juice, he goes for Hennessey. Just like old times we sit down and talk.

Crystal: Babe I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left . I'm not happy about this situation but I won't penalize you for it.

Devale: I'm sorry my old shit is once again causing issues between us. Shit I was just about to try get you knocked up with baby number 3 before this bullshit.

Crystal: Mission accomplished, babe I'm pregnant!

Short update but still and update, happy new year and VOTE!

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