Chapter 48: Mamas baby daddy?

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Three hours later Crystal, Devale and Dj are pulling up to Kaylas house. She comes running out house super dramatic as if she really thought we would harm her child. She has a house full of guest  with concerned looks on their faces. Someone yelled for someone else to call the police.

Kayla hugged DJ before he ran off excited to play with his new ninetendo switch he "uncle d" bought him.

Crystal: Call them, what are you going to tell them? That his father picked him up from school early. I mean according to you that is his father right?

Kayla: You're crazy, you stole my son you're going to jail.

Crystal: I'm going home to my children with my husband. Dj was a pleasure, to bad we won't be seeing him anymore but hopefully his real dad steps up.

Devale: Kayla that ain't my kid, what you on and why you naming your kid after someone who you know ain't the damn daddy. That's foul as fuck.

Crystal: It is, your a trifling mom for that, you always been a little dizzy but this is wild.

Kayla: What did you do to him, where did you take Jim.

Crystal: You see the bags, clearly shopping, McDonald's and home. Oh and to the DNA center but imagine everyone's surprise when Dj told us his birthday. I thought he may be confused but my connect at the hospital confirmed he is just turning 5 so again explain how this is my husband's child.

Kayla: You had no right, I'm going to have you reported.

Devale: I'll have you arrested for extortion, better yet I can just make an Instagram post. The bad press would certainly cause your gym to shut down by morning. Who put you up to this?

Kayla's mom appears cussing Crystal out. You uppity bitch, I've never liked you. How dare you take my grandson.

Crystal: Ma'am with all do respect shut the fuck up. Your daughter fucked my husband and tried to put a baby on him. You need to be asking her how dare she do this to an innocent child. Kayla I know someone put your scary ass up to this and I'll be back soon as I find out who.

Crystal and Devale left to pick up the kids and head home.

(Laughing) "Yo we really kidnapped a kid today" Devale said. "She gave us no choice" Crystal said with a light chuckle.

Crystal: Seriously though babe, I want to know who is behind this and why.

Devale: We will babe. Let's get these kids home and in bed so I can put you to bed.

Crystal: Don't temp me with a good time. But first can you feed me, the baby is hungry.

Devale: What does my son want?

Crystal: The baby wants blackened chicken pasta.

Devale: Ok place the order for pickup, get me a shrimp creole pasta. Get the kids chicken fingers with a extra fry. Get me a strawberry lemonade, and them strawberry lemonade.

Crystal: Babe, you're so silly. When I said feed me I wanted you to order but I got it babe.

Devale: Thank you babe, put it on my card.

Crystal: Should we tell the kids we're pregnant or wait until after our appointment Tuesday?

Devale: You're definitely pregnant babe, I can tell. We can tell them now.

Crystal: How can you tell?

Devale: Look at your titties, they are fuller than a motherfucker. I can't wait to suck on them later.

Crystal: Babe, stop before I say FDK. You're making me horny.

Devale:Good! Don't worry I'm going to take care of you after I get my babies down.

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