Chapter 15.1 Adjusting after Aden

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Although it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. The chaotic scene unfolded rather quickly. An hour ago she was enjoying dinner with her favorite people and now the nurse is telling her to prepare to push.

One of Crystal's pregnancy fears was that she would go into labor alone, thankfully that wouldn't be her story. Her baby had a waiting room full of loved ones awaiting his arrival. Devale was extremely excited and a little nervous, back at the restaurant he went into full daddy mode getting Crystal to the hospital just in time. Crystal was dilated 8cm, the good news is the baby is coming, the bad is it was too late for her to have a epidural.

Crystal was doing great until she exhausted herself, she started panicking, Devale is doing his best to coach her through it. The policy is only one person allowed in the delivery room. Devale watching Crystal go into distress ask if momma Lois can please come in as well. He would've switched places with her missing the baby being born if that meant Crystal would have a safe delivery. The doctor agreed  having both Devale and momma Lois in the room would be better for Crystal and the baby.

Crystal wouldn't let Devales hand go long enough to get momma Lois from the waiting room so a different nurse went to get her. Devale was trying to stay calm but started to panic.

Devale: Please help her, can yall give her  medicine. She's in pain help her.

Nurse: Unfortunately it's to late for the epidural but she's almost there. Crystal honey just two more pushes sweetheart.

Crystal: I can't. I can't do it.

She looks to Devale who just like herself has a face full of tears.

Crystal: I'm sorry Devale, I can't it hurts I can't do it.

Devale: Crystal baby you got this. You're one of the strongest people I know. Breathe baby, you can do it.

A different nurse went to get momma Lois from the waiting room, she entered and went straight into mommy mode.

Momma L: Hey my baby, all you have to do is push two more times and he's here. Your son will be in your arms, you can do it. Devale stepped out the way and she grabbed her hand. Push baby.

Crystal pushed...

Nurse: I see the head, we're almost there... lets take a 1 min break, one more push!

Devale was holding my leg, my mom was holding my hand. I gathered all the strength I could to push one more time.

Devale: I see him Crystal, he's here baby. You did it baby.  I'm so proud of you

Nurse: It's a BOY!

The nurse placed him on Crystal's chest. She counted his 10 fingers and  10 tiny toes then heard his tiny cry.
She started crying,Devale and momma Lois was already sobbing.

Crystal: Sounding just like her mother cradles him with kisses. "Hey my Baby" Welcome to the world son!

Now that Crystal has given birth the rest of the family is in the room taking turns holding the baby.

Deliah: Omg he looks like the perfect mix of both of yall. What's my nephews name?

Crystal: Aden Ashton Taylor

Two days later Crystal and Aden are being discharged. Devale comes in with the baby cars eat ready to retrieve his family.

Devale: Do you need anything before we get to the house?

Crystal: No I'm fine, I want to get home and get him settled. I can't wait to get settled and sleep in my own bed. Why are you looking at me like that? What's wrong?

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