Chapter 42: Confessions

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We checked out the room grabbed some take out and headed home. I was appreciative of Ang getting the kids but I wanted them so I told Devale after we talked I'd have Ang drop them off.

Once we were home I took another shower before getting into some comfortable clothes. I found Devale in the livingroom with weed, wine, liquor, adult coloring books and uno cards.

Devale: Pick your pleasure my love!

I'm not breastfeeding so I'm with all the shits. We both chose Hennessey first we took a shot then we sipped the rest of the 5th. Once I was higher than a giraffes earlobe it was easy for me to talk to my husband. For some reason therapy brings out our angry side. When we chilled like this we hear what each other is saying, and more importantly what each other isn't saying.

Devale: Babe did I do something to make you feel like the kids and I didn't need you? I'm not talking about the argument, I'm saying even before then?

Crystal: Not necessarily but I still felt that way. I just felt some type of way.

Devale: What type of way? I want to know what emotions it was and where it originated from. I want to learn from this so we never end up here again. I want to make sure you never feel like the best option for our family is abandoning us.

Crystal: The emotion was anger, jealousy and loss. I blamed you for me going into labor early, I blamed you for her having to stay in the hospital away from us. I don't feel a bond with her, I wasn't there to change her, breastfeed or rock her to sleep at night. I mean I love her but I don't know if she knows I'm her mom. She doesn't cry for me and that hurts. I am also jealous that you got to spend so much time with Aden and I didn't. It's been me and him since I was pregnant with him. He grew so much in that month and I felt like I missed it all.

Devale: I felt the same way when I was away from him that month after the accident so I can relate. (Sighs) It is my fault that you went into labor early and for that I apologize. I can't fix it but I can take accountability. I did my best to make sure you had a smooth pregnancy just to fuck it up at the end. I think you and Peanut will be fine babe just give it time. As far as papa is concerned you are the most important person in his life and he makes that very clear. Is there anything else?

Crystal: When you posted that caption with the kids it hurt my feelings. It made me feel like you only need them and not me, and that you think I'm against you. It brought back the hurtful memories of you telling me you would take Aden from me when he was smaller.

Devale: I know babe, I was being petty. They are my world but you are my air. I can't breathe without you, I'm sorry.

Crystal: How did you find me today?

Devale: I had the police contact Onstar to track your cars location. I couldn't do it last night because it was after hours.

We take another shot and go from uno to coloring.

Crystal: Babe, I apologize for saying I didn't want you. I said it to hurt you and that was a low blow. I won't ever say it again. I also know you have been doing everything this last month and you have been stressing out. I know some days you were walking on eggshells to avoid triggering me. I thank you for showing up when I couldn't and I'm sorry babe for being difficult.

Devale: I appreciate that and I apologize for all the Chelsea shit, and for me not be not making you feel secure as a wife and mom. Babe, your eyes low as hell, you high af huh?

Crystal: Hell yeah lol, I feel so much better. Want to watch a movie with me?

Devale: Yep, let me guess Poetic Justice.

Crystal: Yes sir. Roll another blunt and  push play. We will get the kids tomorrow, tonight I want to enjoy you.

Devale: Fuck them kids, just kidding. I love you WIFE!

Crystal: I love you HUSBAND!

They spent the night getting lit watching 90's movies before falling asleep in each other's arms.

Angela dropped the kids off early the next day. Devale was in  his home office getting some work done. He came out for lunch and saw Crystal was in full mommy mode, she was feeding Peanut while reading a book to Aden. When she got them both down for a nap she scrolled instrgram  to see a post from Devale. It was of her with the kids captioned "My beautiful wife in her element, thank you for sacrificing you for us, can wait to thank you properly 😜🤤"

The next few weeks flew by, tomorrow is Aden's 2nd birthday and Aniyah is two months old. We had a small gathering at the house. Devales two nephews, Angela's youngest two and 5 day care kids along with the grandparents aunts and uncles. Everything was finally "normal"  The rumor mill had calmed down regarding Chelsea. Devale and I was in a happy place and both our kids was thriving.

I was back to work full time and I was blessed to still be able to keep both of my babies at home. Aden was OBSESSED with his Ni-nut which I loved. If she didn't know I was her mommy before she definitely knew now. She is so chill and funny, she also got finally got chunkier. My little thickems is a sweetheart, I love my life.

Unfortunately a few weeks after papas birthday Devales mom passed away. I was afraid this might set us back but instead of isolating himself Devale clung to us even more. He said he was thankful for everyday God gave her after her diagnosis and he was certain she was his guardian angel.

The day of her funeral Devale was understandably om edge. We got through but it but when we got to the family house afterwards he started drinking. He wasn't drunk but he wasn't sober. He introduced me to all of the family I hadn't had a pleasure is meeting prior to today. Everyone was so nice to me and my babies. Devale and I have been married almost two years and it was so much about him I didn't know. Luckily all the elders had cute little embarrassing stories that kept me entertained. Everyone was about to head home when Devales favorite cousin showed up. He has told me several stories about his cousin CJ who was more like a brother than his own brother growing up. He was older than Devale by 3 years and he also lived with their grandmother. He was a role model and Devale spoke highly of him.

I was putting on my babies coats not looking when Devale brought him over to introduce him.

Devale: Baby, this is my cousin CJ, Cj this is my beautiful wife Crystal.

Cj went to shake my hand but I declined playing it off by picking up Gracie. My husband felt my energy shift but didn't address it. We stayed another twenty minutes before heading home.

The car ride was kinda quiet outside of the movie playing in the backseat for the kids. I reached over and rubbed the back of his head while he was driving. He reached over a put his hand on my thigh.

Devale: So you know CJ huh, what's the story?

Crystal: It's been a long day babe, can we talk about it tomorrow?

Devale: Yeah

We got home and got the kids down, I took a quick shower while Devale made himself a snack. He came in the bedroom to see if I was hungry.

Devale: Babe why are you in here crying, what's wrong?

Crystal: Your cousin sexually assaulted me, baby he he he raped me.

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