Chapter 37: Numb

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I woke up the next day in the hospital bed confused and numb. I hear the doctor speaking to Devale about me being discharged and how important it is that I'm not left alone at all for any amount of time.

Devale noticed I was awake. His eyes are still red, I can see he hasn't slept at all. I was sedated and I'm still out of it until I feel pain in my empty stomach reminding of the nightmare I survived. It all comes rushing back and hot tears fall from my eyes.

I closed my eyes hoping it was just all a bad dream. The hospital machines beeping, the worried and scared looks on all of the faces I see, and the pain in my body reminds me it isn't.

Doctor: Crystal how are you feeling?

Crystal: Silent.

Doctor: I know you're eager to get home, I'm going to discharge you today. Whats your pain level on a scale from 1 to 10?

Crystal: Yall drugged me up, then yall cut me open and took my baby, yall claim she wasn't breathing, yall claimed yall did everything yall could do. Yall want to send me home without my babygirl. You tell me doctor, what level of pain does that sound like on a scale of 1 to 10?

Devale: Doctor do you mind giving us a minute?

Doctor: Sure I'll go get the discharge paperwork and her prescription ready. Again Mr. Taylor if you or your wife need anything at all please call immediately. We're here to help you all through this rough time.

Crystal wanted to scream. Help him with what, he's not the one came here with a baby and leaving without one. Fuck him, instead she opted to give him death stares until the doctor finally left.

Devale: Cryst

Crystal: (Cuts him off) Where is Aden?

Devale: He is in the waiting room with your mom. She's going to keep him a few weeks until you heal and get adjusted.

Crystal: I want him.

Devale: I'm not sure if that's a good idea, you're understandably fragile. You have to rest, we will be home soon.

I picked up my phone and text my mom to bring me Aden. A few minutes later my mom knocked on my door with no Aden.

Momma Lois: Baby, I'm so glad you're awake. How are you feeling?

Crystal: Stop asking me that. Where is Aden?

Momma Lois looked to Devale admitted back at Crystal. She knew if she told Crystal the truth which was Devale was against based on the situation and how bad her postpartum was with Aden. Instead she told a quick lie.  He is downstairs with Angela, children under 5 aren't allowed to visit. Not a lie just not the whole truth.

Crystal: Mommy can you see what's taking them so long please. I'm ready to go now.

ML: Sweetie you will be discharged within the hour, Devale will make sure you get home soon as they release you.

Crystal: Then you will bring me my son.

ML: Yes baby, listen I'm going to keep him for the rest of the week or until your stitches desolve.

Crystal: Mommy how am I supposed to go home without my baby, why her, why was it my baby.
I can't help but breakdown, my mom was rubbing my back. Devale was trying to stop his own tears from falling while telling me everything will be ok.

My mom couldn't handle seeing me like that so she said Devale and I needed each other in that moment. Devale and I sobbed together, both of us were hurt and defeated, both of us were angry and confused, both of us wanted all this to be over.

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