Chapter 19: Foundation is Breaking

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4:18 am

Crystal: Where are you going?

Devale: I didn't mean to wake you.Go back to sleep, I'm going for a run.

Crystal sat up making sure not to wake Aden who tucked himself under her somehow. Aden only used his cribs for naps. Every night after Devale makes sure the lights are off and the doors are locked he changes Aden diaper and puts him next to Crystal. He always thanked God for them before he drifted to sleep.

Crystal: She reached over grabbing a fresh diaper and wipes to change her sleeping baby. Babe what's bothering you?

Devale: I'm fine Babe. I couldn't sleep so I decided to get my run done early. I'll be back soon. He kissed a still sleeping Aden then kissed Crystal three times on the lips and once on the forehead.

Crystal: OK babe, be safe I love you. Crystal put her baby on her chest, pulled the covers on them both and went back to sleep.

Crystal was giving Aden his first feeding off the day when Devale returned. He took Aden from her after his shower so she could get herself together. Crystal made breakfast while Devale was gone so Devale decided to get Aden dressed today.

Crystal: Babe, I didn't want to bother you before you left but what's going on. Don't tell me nothing, I know you and I know better. What's wrong? Don't push me away.

Devale: Nothing. I'm not pushing you away, I'm just trying to figure some shit out. I got it, I don't need you worrying.

Crystal: Fine Devale. Don't forget I have to go into the office for a few hours, do you want me to leave him here or take him to my mom's?

Devale: Leave him, ill take him over there later. But Crystal I need you on a set schedule. You're a wife and mother first. Everything this else comes second, don't make it a habit of telling me of a schedule change last minute. This is the second time this week.

Crystal: I'm not arguing with you everytime I leave for work because that isn't fair. I work as much as I can from home. Sometimes I have to go in and I don't need the lecture when I do. He always has the option to go to both sets of grandparents or daycare. Whatever your problem is don't take it out on me, I hope you're in a better mood when I get home because you're pissing me off with this shit.

Devale: You heard what I said right?

Crystal ignored him, her full attention was on Aden. She kissed his fat jaws and put him in his walker.

Crystal: Bye Devale. I'll be home by 5.

Devale started his work day before his was interrupted by his mom calling.

Ms. Diane: Hey Son, I'm just checking on you.

Devale: I'm good mom, I was about to take fatty to momma Lois unless you want to come spend some time with him until Crystal gets home.

Ms.Diane: I'll be there in an hour.

Devales mom had him at 17 years old, although mature she just wasn't equipped to handle raising a child. Her parents felt Diane's education was more important so they gave her two options. Abortion or Adoption if she wanted any financial support from them.

They adopted Devale at 1 yr old after Diane grades started to drop damaging her chances at a scholarship. Devale dad was 19 in the marines, he wasn't consistently physically their for his son.

Devale had a great childhood, he was very well rounded, he played sports instruments and could draw really well. Devales mom was in his life but had more of a big sister role until he was 6.
That's when it all changed when Diane turned 24 and married, she had another son who became the apple of her eye. She loved both sons but favored her youngest because she didn't have to share him.

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