Chapter 15.2 Devales Truth

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Devale: Where did that come from?

Crystal: Did you Devale? Answer my question.

Devale: You answer mine. Fuck you even get that shit from. Since when do you talk to Chelsea any fucking way?

All you need to be thinking about is getting you and my son packed and figure out whatever is going on with you mentally not whatever other bullshit you telling yourself.

Crystal: Why are you getting defensive? I already know you did, I don't even know why I asked. I also knew you're about to either lie or start an argument. Your gulity ass did both. You're incapable of owning your shit so forget I even asked.

Devale: Bro you just..

Crystal: I JUSTTTT nothing. I JUSTTTT asked you a fucking question. You're saying mean shit to switch it on me but It's cool I'll ask the bitch myself. Don't say shit to me Devale, I mean it.

Devale turned the radio up to block Crystal out, Crystal was looking out the window paying him and the music no attention.

The tension was THICK but both put on happy faces for the pictures. The original plan was to spend the afternoon together. But after Crystal strapped Aden in,  she instructed Devale to take her home immediately.

Devale ignored her request. He did a to-go order at the hibachi spot that  also has a to-go alcohol menu as well. He ordered Crystal a Patron Margarita and himself a purple rain with a double shot of Hennessey. 

He drove to his house instead of Crystal's. When they got there Aden was sleeping.

Crystal: I said take me home, I don't want to be around you.

Devale: I'll get Aden and his bag grab the food and come on.

Crystal: No, take me home.

Devale: You pissing me off Crystal, get the food and come the fuck on.

Crystal: Are you going to take me home or not

Devale: I'm going to take him in and lay him down, if you still in this car when I get back we go have a fucking problem.

Crystal: Devale I don't give a fuck we already have a fucking problem!

Devale: Yeah ok

Devale took Aden and the food into the house, it took him about 10 minutes to get Aden settled and back to sleep. He still hasn't heard Crystal come in the house. If he had to drag her out the car then so be it. He really is tired of her back and forth. Devale goes back outside finding Crystal still in the car scrolling through instagram.

Devale: Crystal you acting mad childish right now, come and eat then I'll take you home.

Crystal: Devale to my knowledge you have ONE child and it anit me. Please leave me the fuck alone. I hope you didn't waste your time taking off his stuff because me and my baby going home you lying ass control freak.

Devale: You wanna leave so bad then go, but if you think you taking my son out of here then you're crazier than you been acting lately.

Crystal felt her eyes getting wet, she was tired of him calling her crazy because of a little postpartum especially when her depression wasn't negatively affecting Aden.

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