Chapter 36: What Happened?

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Crystal: Babe. Tell me.

Devale: Babe I swear I had nothing to do with this. After I left your house I went back to Chelsea's house to confront her for lying about Aden.

When I got there her door was opened. She didn't hear me come in because she was on the phone with her someone I don't know if it was her brother, father or nigga but I overheard whoever it was telling her that he would put a bullet in my head infront of you. She was talking about getting contacting your boss and ruining your reputation. I snatched the phone out her hand and threw it up against the wall.

Her phone shattered and she started screaming for help and yelling saying it was an intruder in her home. A neighbor came to see what was going on. She witnessed me choking her telling her to shut the fuck up and that I would kill her.

Now babe please keep in mind that my whole world has just blown up. I'm not excusing my actions but it was a reason.

Crystal is sitting up rubbing her belly listening to every word. She knows when Devale is lying. So far everything sounds like the truth.

Crystal: Continue.

So the neighbor yells that the police are on the way while yelling for me to let her go. I tried to leave but the police got there before I could. They saw that she had one black eye and one bruised one, she had a bald spot missing from the front of her head, she also had Nike boot prints kicked into her chest and ribs.

I told them repeatedly that I didn't do that to her. The neighbor told the police she witnessed me choking her and she heard her say that I broke her phone.

Chelsea told the officers that has cameras installed in her house which caught the entire incident. I started to get nervous because of she did have footage it was of you beating her up not me. I called her bluff, she told the officers her camera malfunctioned. They took an incident report but didn't arrest me. The officer said if I came back to her house I would be arrested on the spot.
I spent the next few hours trying to track you down, when I couldn't I called Julien and got the location of his boss. I went to the restaurant Jay gave me, I had 3 shots of Hennessey before I saw him.
I pistol whipped him during rush hour and his packed restaurant. The police were called but I was gone before they arrived. I then sent the video of her beat up boyfriend telling her they had matching black eyes and that I would expose her as promised.

The night she gave me head I recorded it. I then sent that recording allow with proof of her embezzling money from her father's business to him and all his anyone he was Facebook friends with. I also followed all her friends on Instagram, added them to close friends and sent the video of her licking my nut off her lips.

She called me immediately, she kept saying that she would make sure you paid for this. When she called I was at your house waiting for you and Aden to return. I saw her drive passed your house, she saw my car and kept going but it was too late.
I text her saying if I caught her on near your house again I would kill her boyfriend.

Twenty minutes later is when you came home and I took Aden. When I strapped him in I thought I saw a car at the end of the block but I wasn't certain. Before the car hit Aden and I thought it was strange it was coming towards me with so much speed but it all happened so fast.

I found out tonight that it was her driving the other car, she was the one who called it in and she was drunk. She followed me from your house and hit me on purpose. The police arrested her but was bonded out that same night.

I did see her once during the month you wasn't talking to me. We were both at the same event for entrepreneurs. She acted normal like we were old buddy's, she tried to hug me and everything. I played along, after she sent me a text of a picture of us hugging asking me where was my wife and saying we looked good together. At that point I had to protect my family. I went to her parents house and told them she was going to come up missing if she kept playing with me.

That's why they think I have something to do with this but I don't babe. I need you to believe me.

Crystal: Devale I believe you, you're a lot of things but not a murderer. I also know how Chelsea is so I'm not surprised. I'm shocked she's dead though and unfortunately with yall history until it's solved then you are suspect number one.

Devale: Thank you for believing me, I really am sorry. I want you to get through the rest of this pregnancy stress free babe. Let's not even focus on this.

Crystal: It's not going to go away Devale, they are going to build a case against you. I hope I don't end up raising two babies alone behind your stupid shit.

Devale: Crystal the only time you had Aden alone was when you chose too. I didn't do anything so there isn't anything to worry about. I'm always going to be here for yall regardless so don't start that single mom shit.

Crystal: Whatever Devale.

Just then Crystal received and inbox of the video of Chelsea sucking Devale nut straight from the fountain with the next video showing her dead body floating in the lake.

She immediately vomited all over herself and the bed.

Devale: What is it. What's wrong?

Crystal showed him the video as she grabbed a change of clothes and sheets.


Crystal: Save it Devale, I don't care to hear it. I bet you took a video the night you fucked her too didn't you?

Devale: Heads drops....yes

Crystal: You're sick, you get off on cheating and recording bitches huh.

Devale: Crystal we past all of that, don't do that.

Crystal: Don't do what, you did this Devale not me.

Another breaking news report came across the screen saying it was an arrest in the case. The suspect confessed, it was James Mitchell boyfriend of deceased. He shot her before throwing her in the lake.

Crystal breaks down, yes Chelsea was a messy slut however at one time they were friends and the situation is sad.

Devale tries to consol me but I reject him. "This is your fault" don't touch me. I pull away from him before I felt a sharp pain in my side. Then I felt wetness in my panties, not sure if it was blood or water either way peanut isn't due yet. I scream for Devale to call the ems before I blank out.

When I come to I'm in the ER, I don't know what happened. I rubbed my stomach by habit discovering my baby was gone. I started pulling off the oxygen mask yelling for anyone to hear me.

Where is my baby. What happened to my baby. Devale, my mom, and Anglea all rush into the room. They were just outside the door. I look to Devale first who looks defeated.

I scream out to him WHERE IS MY BABY DEVALE where is peanut, did something happen to my baby.

Devale is crying so hard while trying to find the strength to tell Crystal this bad news. Baby, your water broke causing stress to the baby they had to do a emergency c-section. She came out purple and black. He broke down again. She she

Crystal: She what babe. Please tell me she's okay. Where is she, I want my baby, someone go get my baby please. I need my baby,.ma, ang please ego get my baby and bring her to me..please please

Devale: We can't baby, she she...

And we back! It's been a minute, what yall think. What happen to peanut? Should Crys forgive Devale videoing Chelsea? Do yall believe Devale or is he still hiding something? Leave feedback and comments, also VOTE!!


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