Chapter 34: Missing

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So that's the story, now I have to figure out how to make my brother be in his child's life. He has such a good bond with Aden its no reason for him to be a deadbeat dad regardless of the situation.

Crystal: It sounds to me like Melanie doesn't want him to be involved. As a mother I have to side with her, perhaps she will allow us to be in his life and we can work up to adding his dad.

Devale: I just text him to meet me at my house in 30 minutes, ill figure it out then. But Babe I appreciate how you didn't accuse or abuse me lol. Therapy is working or peanut got you soft!

Crystal: Devale I know you, and even if by chance that was your son he was clearly born before we met. Now if someone popped up pregnant after Aden I'd divorce you no questions asked no explanations needed.

Devale: You have nothing to worry about. I'm going to head out, I'll be back in an hour.

Almost 4 years ago Devales brother Ace had a severe problem with drugs particularly fentanyl and pills. He became hopeless, depressed and abusive to himself and everyone around him.

One night he called Devale from jail. He had been locked up for resisting arrest, public intoxication and domestic violence. He blacked out and choked his girlfriend during a drunken binge. His girlfriend got a restraining order against him. He did 6 months in jail and 1 year probation.

Ace heard Mel was pregnant, when he tried to confirm if it was true she had blocked him on everything, moved away and from what Ace was told she was seeing someone else.

Devale wasn't sure if Ace knew Ashton was his or not. Ashton is the name of Devale and Ace favorite uncle on their mom side. Devale suggested Ace reach out Melanie to establish a relationship with his son. He also suggested a DNA test for legal purposes.

Ace assured Devale he would get to the bottom of it. 

Later that night Devale is back home telling Crystal that Ace plans on reaching out to Mel. They spoke about the new house and what they was going to name peanut.

Crystal: This last month has been amazing, we're getting along, Aden is thriving and in a few short months my baby girl will be in my arms. I'm so blessed!

Devale: I'm the blessed one, you guys are my life! He kisses her and they drift off to sleep of course with Aden tucked in at her side.

                      TIME JUMP

Crystal is now 8 months pregnant, they have moved into the new house together. Devale allowed Ace to move into his old place so Ashton would be somewhere stable when he is with his dad. Crystal kept her old place empty, she didn't want to deal with tenants and she didn't want to sell it. Aden is now 17 months old. He's getting smarter by the day and is still clingy as ever which Crystal loves.

Devale and Crystal have petty arguments every once in a while but for the most part they are doing well. Momma Lois comes over every day as Crystal is officially on bed rest, no work, no lifting, no nothing. Devales mom isn't doing so well but she is holding on.

Melanie and Crystal have become close and Aden and Ashton have cousin playdates a few times per week.

Melanie doesn't communicate with Ace at all. She is newly married and working on her second baby. All communication between Ace and Ashton takes place through "uncle Mee-val" or his "glam mah" as a lispy Ashton calls  them.

One day both Angela and Mel was visiting Crystal, they was sitting in the livingroom laughing having a good time when a breaking news alert flashed across the screen.

The alert was for a 28 year old chef who has been missing for 4 months, the police suspects foul play. Her parents were on the news pleading any information. Her last communication was her calling the police to report she was a witness to a drunk driving accident involving a unknown male and a small child.

Newsreporter: It's like she disappeared into thin air, she hasn't been in any social media, no bank activity and the restaurant she is employed with advised they saw her was with an unknown male having drinks after her shift earlier the same night.

Female: I know my daughter is out there somewhere. I can feel she is still alive, please if you have her let her go.

Male: We don't know or care the reason why someone would take her, we just want her home. It's been months since I seen my baby girl.

Newsreporter: Please be on the lookout, and if you have any idea of the whereabouts of Chelsea Dianne Smith please call crime stoppers.

Angela and Crystal mouth dropped. They had a full conversation witjout saying a word! Melanie of course was confused but concerned about an possible abduction happening in there small suburban town just outside of Atlanta

Mel: What, do yall know her?

Angela: Not personally but she was chef at a restaurant we use to visit often when Crissy was pregnant with Aden.

Mel: Wow small world.

Crystal: To small, so sad. I hope they find her alive and safe.

Angela volunteers to take the boys to the play park so Crystal can rest. Mel volunteers to go with her. Soon as they was out the door Crystal called Devale up from his office.

Devale came from his office to see what Crystal needed. Yes baby, you a peanut good?

Crystal were good babe. Listen I need to ask you something and I need you to be 100% honest. Did you do something to Chelsea?

Devale: What are you talking about now.

Before Crystal could respond there was a knock on the door. Devale went to answer it.

Crystal: No babe no answer it, I have a bad feeling.

Devale: About what, relax babe. I'll get it.

Devale answers and it's the police.

The officer verified Devales identity before tell him they needed to take him in for questioning of the disappearance of Chelsea Smith.

Okay yall. I didn't mean to go 3 days without updating but we back baby. Yall know the drill vote and comment! 

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