Chapter 27: PLEASE

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Devale: Ma you don't understand, this isn't about her anymore it's about me not being able to see my son. It's been a month, she still has me blocked. It's not fair, I'm his father. Ma please talk to her, I don't want to go through the courts to see him.

Momma Lois: Listen Son, I have told her you deserve to talk to him but I do agree visitation should go through the courts. I know you didn't mean to put him in danger but he was hurt in your care. I thank God every night for his protection that night.

Devale: (Crying) I know Ma, I wish I could take it all back. I want to see him, I won't take him. I need my son Ma.

Momma Lois: I'll see what I can do, that's all I can promise you. I love you son.

Devale: I love you too, tell my baby I miss him. Bye.

Devale got off the phone and got dressed for the gym. He needed to run this stress out on the treadmill, this has become his favorite past-time. He pulls up to the gym, parks the car and sent Crystal a text.

Can I atleast talk to him.....PLEASE!

Crystal and Aden was laying in the bed watching cartoons. This is the first time Devale has requested to talk to Aden without threatening to take him. It has been a month and she can tell Aden misses his dad. He's talking so clear for being barely 11 months old. Crystal facetimed Devale and handed it to Aden.

Devale: Fattyyyyyy you got big boy, daddy misses you. What you doing son. The sight of his son makes him tear up.

Aden: Dada. Dada truck turtle hi  Dada

Devale: You're playing with your trucks and ninja turtles.

Aden squeals with excitement seeing his dad, he kisses the phone getting slobber all over.

Crystal: Papa get the phone out your mouth, here talk to Dada.

Aden: Stop Ma ma No. DADA DADA DADA

Devale talks Aden for a few minutes before its Aden falls asleep and it gets awkwardly quiet.

Devale: Hey Crys, can I please see him. I'll come to your place and I promise I'll stay for an hour then go...PLEASE CRYSTAL!

Crystal hung up the phone with no response. She hated being the bad guy but she had to protect her son. She thinks back to the night she almost lost him. Tears start to form in her eyes, she cuddles her baby and goes to sleep.

The next day both of Adens grandmother's are coming to spend the day with him. Devales mom is still I'll but doing well over all, Crystal allows her to see Aden whenever she likes as long as Devale isn't around.

During the visit momma Lois asked Crystal is she would consider allowing Devale to see him a few hours a week until there court date which is another month from now. After seeing Aden so happy to see his dad last night she tells her she will seriously think about it.

Crystal left Aden with his grandparents, she had a lunch date with Angela.

Angela: How you feeling poo?

Crystal: I'm ok, I let Aden talk to his dad last night. He wants to see him, I think I'll let him come over tomorrow for two hours. Maybe we can figure something without the courts. I just don't know, he so unpredictable.

Angela: I think that's a good idea, Julien told me how horrible Devale felt even though it wasn't all his fault.

Crystal: To me it was, but my baby is okay now so I guess at somepoint I have to move on.

The ladies finish brunch, Crystal goes to get her nails done then back home to get dinner started. After her and Aden does there night routine she gets him settled before texting Devale.

You can see him tomorrow around 6.

I'll be there at 6 on the dot, thank you!

They next day after work Crystal gets Aden from daycare, she decided to cook a meal she knows Devale will also enjoy. She didn't hate him, but she also had no desire to save her marriage. As 6pm was approaching she started feeling anxious, she was eager to get this over with. The last time she saw Devale it was in the emergency room. A image she will never forget.

The same night Crystal blocked Devale and told him she was getting an abortion he was in her driveway waiting for her after her mommy day with Aden. She told him to leave but he refused. Aden was asleep in his carseat, Devale laid him on the couch while he tried to talk to Crystal.

Devale: Crystal I'm sorry, sleeping with her was a mistake. I was angry, I thought you was hiding something. I know it's no excuse but please forgive me and please don't abort my baby.

Crystal: I don't want you here, I want a divorce. I can't get over you taking him without my knowledge, then got him tested. You really thought I would put another man's baby on you. You fucked my ex Bestfriend and I know that wasn't the first time. I don't care what you say out your lying ass mouth. I would be the stupidest bitch on earth to bring another child into this dysfunctional ass joke of a marriage we have.

Devale: Crystal I'm not letting you kill my baby, we can do therapy or..

Crystal: FUCK THERAPY, I'm done with all that shit. We are done, if it isn't about Aden don't say shit to me. Now get out!

Devale: Thats how you feel, you go kill my baby ok then I'll leave but I'm taking my son, you've had him all day.

Crystal: Devale your not taking him, number one he is sleeping and it's late and you don't even think he is yours right. Lay him back down and go, you can get him tomorrow after daycare.

Devale: No I can get him right fucking now, you want to try to stop me?

Crystal tried to take Aden from Devale but he over powered her and left. She was over it, she decides not to engage with him any further. She ran herself a bath, just as she was about to step in the hot water she gets a call from a strange number.

Crystal: Hello

Unknown: Hi this is Sharon from Children hospital trauma center, is this Crystal Taylor?

Crystal: Yes

Sharon: I'm sorry to inform you your son was involved in a head on collision. Please get here immediately.

Crystal's whole world went Dark, she doesn't even know how she got to the hospital so fast, she doesn't remember getting dressed or driving only her walking in the ER seeing her sons blood all over Devales formally crisp white t-shirt.

Devale and Aden was hit head on by a wrong way drunk driver flying down the median. Devale wasn't at fault at all, he only fault was taking his sleeping son from his mom to prove a point.Devale had no injuries, just cuts and bruises.

The entire side window crashed in Aden's face, he had to get 7 stitches and 38 pieces of glass removed from his face, back and chest. Over the past month Aden had completely healed from his scars but Crystal felt Devale has proven unfit. In one week he left Aden sick, kidnapped him, stole him, now this.

The doorbell rings snatching Crystal from her thought. It's open she yells from the kitchen.

Devale walks in immediately smelling pot roast his favorite meal. Hey he said as he hands Crystal flowers. He feels strange so he calls for Aden to break the little tension. Aden runs up to him arms out saying Dada up. Devale didn't know he was walking, he almost broke down. Hey Son! He then gets a good glimpse of Crystal who is wearing a crop top with short shorts showing off her perfect pregnant belly.

He couldn't help but stare, she walked to him hugged him tight and placed his hands on her belly. She let out a sigh...I missed you husband.

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