Chapter 3: The Past

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18 months ago-

Devales and Crystal had a big blow up over dinner to which she decided they needed a break.

She felt like that was having the same argument over and over. He wanted a baby to carry on his legacy, and she wanted a ring to carry his last name.
They have been together for two years and shared a 3bd ranch home with a huge basement that was his man cave. She had the garage turned into a cozy  "she-shed." Although technically it was Devales home, he never made her feel unwelcomed even when he was upset with her.

Devale mom had him at 19. He never knew who his father was, and his mom had zero maternal instincts. He grandparents raised him. He absolutely loved them, he wouldn't be the successful man his is today without their guidance. His mother was jealous of the love he got that she didn't. She resented him. She was mean to him, to say she regretted having him would be a huge understatement. She eventually got married, had another son and lived her new life as if Devale never existed.

His grandparents died in a car accident caused by a distracted driver when he was 23, leaving him devastated and alone. He never wanted his children to feel abandoned and lonely like he was, so he decided he didn't want kids.

On his first date with Crystal he knew she would be his forever, she was perfect in his eyes. Yeah she came with a little baggage of her own causing her to be guarded but he looked forward to breaking her walls down. (Literally and figuratively 🫣)

They had so much in common, they're both raised by their grandparents, both graduated at was at the start of their careers. Most importantly, both never had the desire to have kids. That was until about a month ago when Devale flipped the script. Now not only did he want kids but it was now becoming a deal breaker for him.

Crystal questioned where this changed of heart and change of plans came from. She loved him and she knows they moved in too quick but she was dickimatized. She loved that man to the core, she was fine just being his, she told herself that could care less about a piece of paper saying there are married because he was hers regardless. That was until he jumped on this baby train, now she was questioning him, herself and the relationship. Admittedly she did start to withdraw, now come directly home from work, spent more time in her "she shed" then she did with him. She didn't know that cause of him changing his mind just that she wasn't changing hers.


Bottom line is you're spoiled and selfish. Have I not shown you how much I love you, I provide for you, I make sure ALL you wants and needs are met but you can't have my baby. Naw Fuck all that, now you coming home late, always got a damn attitude and act like you can't attend to your man so what the fuck are we doing Crystal?

(Tears starting to fall)
I I I'm selfish? Really? Ok, thanks for telling me how you really feel. "I'm out" before I have to really humble you.

Nah say what you gotta say, I'm a grown ass man, I can handle it.

Oh really, you a grown ass man throwing a full blown tantrum because I have no desire to share my body for 9mths then have my life off track tending to a newborn while trying to pass the bar. I want to be a lawyer not a fucking mommy. Yes you provide for me but you chose to, I can definitely provide for myself and so can the niggas waiting on me to open my roster!

Don't get your head knocked off trying to be funny he said as he glared at her.

FUCK YOU!! You switch up and I'm just supposed to be ok with it. I want to be married but I don't pressure you about it because that's not what WE agreed on. Matter of fact how about this, ill have your baby after I have your last name.

Devale: We are no where near ready for marriage, we got to much going on right now. It's not giving wife, it's giving one foot out the door.

Crystal: Exactly, I'm not good enough to be your WIFE but would make a fine baby mama. Stfu with that stupid shit. This dinner and this conversation is pointless as a white crayon.

She grabs her coat and keys walks out the restaurant. They drove together so he rushes behind her not knowing she has already ordered a ride share. When he catches her she is soothing herself telling herself she will be ok and it's truly time to exit this relationship.

Devale: Crystal don't leave, we're not done talking.

Crystal: I'm done Devale, I'm done with it all! She gets in uber and heads to the house. She called uhaul to reserve a truck for tomorrow poured herself a glass of wine and cried herself to sleep.

It's a little after midnight when Devale makes it in. He had a few drinks but isn't drunk. He goes to undress for a shower when he notices Crystal is sprawed out on his side of the bed. He turns on the lamp and stares at her.
Her face is tear stained, she is sniffing in her sleep, he could see the hurt on her and he hated himself in that moment. Truth is he loved her more than himself and can't imagine a life without her.
Bottom line he would rather have her than a baby. He was sorry and he wanted to show her.

He watches her sleep for a few more minutes feeling like shit for the restaurant conversation. He kisses the side of her face waking her out of her slumber.

She sits up and just stares at him, nothing needs to be said. They both understand the silence. She moves over to her side of the bed as he removes his clothes to join her. He get in bed a pulls her to him still not saying a word.
She doesn't want to cry but can't help it, this HURTS. He wipes her tears and whisper in her ear..Will you marry me?

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