Chapter 35: Interrogation

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Crystal called Angela in a panic, she needed a ride to the police station, being that she is on complete bedrest she can't drive herself.

Angela takes Aden over to her house for her older kids to watch before heading back to Crystal.

Crystal is a wreck when Angela finally makes it back to her.

Angela: Crissi you have to calm down, I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding.

Crystal: (Sobbing) I don't know Ang, that was the same day I caught him at her house. I beat her up twice before I left. What if I hurt her too bad and he did something to cover for me, or what if when I left he was so angry he did something to her.

Angela: Crystal no, listen to yourself. The police said she witnessed the accident. Do you think she was in the car with him.

Crystal: No because he left my house and the hosp called shortly after saying Aden was hurt. I don't know Ang, Devale is a different person when he is upset. I need to get to the police station.

Angela: How about I go on your behalf, you're on bedrest.

Crystal: That's my husband and I'm his lawyer Angela. He needs me I have to go. Me and peanut will be fine for an hour.

Angela: Ok, but let the record show I am completely against this.

Crystal: Noted, now can you help me get my shoes on so we can go.

As Crystal was wobbling to her shoe closet she heard Devale yelling from the front.

Devale: Babe I'm back. Thank you Angela, I already know she was on her way downtown.

Angela: No thanks needed, I'm going to head home. Oh Devale Aden is at my house, I'll bring him home in the morning.

Crystal through her hands around Devales neck crying hysterically, she pulled back to get a better look at his face.

Crystal: Are you ok babe. Did they do anything to you, what happened, what's going on?

Devale: I'm good, are you ok? I need you to calm down before you get peanut worked up.

Crystal: I'm calm. Now tell me what happen and babe please tell me the complete truth.

Devale: The complete truth is I have no idea what they are talking about or where she is. I have nothing to do with her being missing.

Crystal: You told me you handled her, how Devale?

Devale: Don't worry about that.  The details are not important. What's important is for you to know that I handled that situation and the last time I spoke to her she was alive and well.

Crystal: You can not be serious right now, a woman tied to you is missing on the very night she calls in a accident that you were involved in. Just hours after your wife beat her unrecognizable....DEVALE WHAT HAPPENED.

Devale: The police brought me in for questioning, the fact that I'm home and not in jail should tell you I had nothing to do with her disappearance. Fuck I didn't know she called in the accident, how the fuck would I know that.

Crystal: (yelling and crying hard) So you "handled" her before or after the accident Devale? You're getting on my fucking nerves being all secretive instead of just telling me what the fuck is going on.

Devale: You need to calm the fuck down. I already told you I don't fucking know.

Crystal: Devale what happened after I left that day.

Devale: Crystal lis


Devale: You about to piss me the fuck off, stop stressing my daughter out before you go into labor. You acting stupid.

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