Chapter 40: 🥺💔

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Devale: Damn, that's how you really feel? You that mad?

Crystal: Yes, you said I abandoned my son. Is that really how you feel?

After his bath Aden fell asleep at the bottom of the bed while he was playing with his tablet. Devale was holding Niyah admiring her beauty. I was watching him fawn over her, I felt blessed watching them. Aden is a perfect mixture of us but Niyah looks more like her dad. She has my hair and skin tone with her daddys lips, eyes, and chin. No shocker.

Devale puts Peanut down besides me then puts Aden in his toddler bed that I pulled in here.
He kisses them both and walks out the room. We haven't said anything to each other in hours, I'm scrolling instagram when his post comes through.

It's a picture of Aden holding Aniyah with a caption that says my whole world in one picture. Welcome home baby girl. As long as they with me it don't matter whose against me.

I liked the picture before putting peanut in her bassinet to grab a shower. When I got finished Devale was in bed sleeping and Aden had already climbed from his bed to ours. I move Aden from under Devale and snuggle myself under him instead and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning felt strange, I didn't have to wait to see my baby. She was really right here. She didn't wake up at all during the night. She barely cried at all, I quickly realized I was in bed alone when I heard little feet coming my way.

Hi Mommy, you eat eat. He grabs my hand pulling me towards the kitchen but got distracted when he heard Niyah cooing. Mama my tisher I want tisher. Papa let me go potty ok. After stealing ten minutes to myself I make my way to the kitchen. Devale was making Adens plate and Niyah a bottle.

Crystal: Good morning.

Devale: Morning. Come on son eat so I can drop you off.

Aden: I not go school, I  play.

Devale: No papa, you're going to school like a big boy.

Aden: Okay Daddy, I not play I big boy.

Crystal: I didn't know he was going to school since Aniyah is home. I wanted him home until I go back to work.

Aden: All done

Devale: Good job son, here you can go play, you're going to stay with mommy and sister today.

Devale finished his breakfast, fed and changed Niyah took a shower and left out to work I assume, he didn't say so I don't know.

I am exhausted. I forgot how active Aden is. I'm also sad because I don't feel the same bond with Niyah as I did with Aden. She's my baby and I love her but something feels off. Niyah is only one month old but she has learned to self soothe and she doesn't care to be cradled or rocked. She cries if she wet, that's it. I hope we both get adjusted soon.

I'm changing Niyah when Aden comes running with his tablet, I see Devale on the screen.

Aden: Here momma.

Devale: Hey, where is my baby, what she doing?

Crystal:  Devale, why are you calling his tablet instead of me?

Devale: He called me Crystal.

Crystal: Whatever, you haven't checked to see how your daughter is doing.

Devale: Didn't I just ask you where is my baby at?

Crystal: Will you be home soon?

Devale: Yes, can I see my daughter please.

I put the tablet near Niyah so her father could talk to her. A few minutes later he tells Aden he will be home soon and hangs up.

I was getting bored sitting in the house, I decided to take the kids for a walk around the block and up to the park. Fifteen minutes into our walk Devale calls my phone.

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