Chapter 43: Chelsea to the Rescue

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Devale: What baby, what did you say? He did what?

Crystal: Please don't make me say it again, I didn't want to say it the first time. Seeing him brought back all those memories of the night it happened. I never knew Chris was the CJ you share so many found memories of. I'm so sorry baby I know how much he means to you.

Why are you apologizing baby, don't do that. Are you ok? Are you comfortable with with telling me what happened?

This is why I thank God every night for blessing me with my husband. The way he loves me, the way he protects me, the way he listens. I don't deserve him. He sits besides me pulling me into a hug as I fall apart remembering how my innocence was stolen from me.

Crystal: Yes. I went through years of therapy to cope but after I tell you I would prefer if it's never brought up again.

Chris was a senior during my freshman year. He was the school's Joc, star football and basketball player. He had more money, jewelry and popularity then the other guys in his graduating class. He needed to retake freshman math in order to graduate. I was assigned as his tutor, I did have a crush on him and was very excited to spend time with him. We got to know each other over the course of the semester. He would tell me I was more mature than other 9th graders. He let me hang around him and the seniors during my lunch period.
I was a cheerleader and one night after the game he invited me out for pizza with some of the older kids. It was a mix of classes but I was the only 9th grader. Some of the senior boys started asking me sex questions which made me curious but uncomfortable as well. One of the guys was being semi aggressive, he kept trying to touch me. Chris made him stop, telling them that I was off limits. That was also the night I met Chelsea, she stood up for me as well and made them leave me alone. Her boyfriend was friends with this group of boys. I guess she already knew how they got down and could see I was afraid.

She was in the tenth grade and a year and a half older than me however we became fast friends. She was my protector, I felt safe when we were together.

One night at someone's birthday party we started playing truth or dare. We were drinking having fun when Chelsea and her boyfriend headed to a room to have sex I guess. Chris was telling me how pretty and smart I was and that I needed to losen up. I wanted to go home immediately but didn't want to seem like a baby and I didn't want Chelsea to be mad at me so I stayed waiting for her to finish. We played a few more rounds before I started to fill dizzy. I remember him pulling me by the hand into a closet and me not wanting to go. He said he just wanted to kiss me, at first thats all he was doing then he started trying to do more. He had me pinned against the closet and forced me to my knees. After he made me perform on him he choked me and told me if I didn't stop crying he would make me do it again. I forced myself to stop crying, it was pitch black and I couldn't see anything I tried to reach for the door handle to leave when he punched me in the side of my face. He then took my virginity. It hurt so bad, after he left me sitting in the closet alone and damaged. When Chelsea found me I couldn't stand up. She knew immediately what happened without me saying a word. She confronted him and called the police. He got a slap on the wrist because I was too afraid to press charges, after the whole school treated me like a villian. I fell into depression, I stopped talking to everyone including Chelsea. The next school year I transferred school, my only friend during the time was Robert a boy I had known a few years from around the neighborhood. I didn't like him in the boyfriend way, he treated me like a sister. I found out later he was dating Chelsea. That's where the whole "you stole my boyfriend after I helped you" came from.

I just listened to my baby tell me how my favorite family member hurt her. It doesn't matter that I didn't know her at the time. My wife is hurting and I'm going to make sure that the person who hurt her pays!

Devale: I'm going to kill him, he will die for hurting you.

Crystal: No baby please don't do anything, I just want to act like I never saw him. I worked so hard to get out of that dark place. I wouldn't be able to function if you was taken from me over someone who doesn't matter. I have you and my babies living this beautiful life you have created for us. Please baby don't do anything to jeopardize it.

Devale: Crystal my love. You are so strong. Somehow, I love you even deeper today than I did yesterday. I will drown water for you, I will literally die for you baby so trust and hear me clearly. When I say he is good as dead there isn't anything at all you can say to change that. Thank you for trusting me, we don't ever have to speak on this again.

I stayed at home long enough for my wife and children to fall asleep before I left the house. I told CJ I was coming over to shoot the shit with him, smoke a few blunts and have a couple of drinks. I left my phone at home and took Crystal's car to his house. I went in and lit my blunt, I gave him one to light as well.

Devale: Aye man, have you ever met my wife prior to mom's funeral?

Cj: She looked a little familiar but I can't say for sure.

Devale: She remembered you, I believed she tutored you or something she mentioned.

Cj: Oh yeah I do remember shorty from school, she was a sexy little jawn even back then.

Devale: I bet she was, do you remember the night you raped her in a closet at a senior party when she was 15 years old.

Cj: I anit never took no pussy, I just gave her what she wanted.

Boom that fentanyl laced blunt killed him on the spot!

Devale headed back home and climbed in bed with his wife and clingy ass children before drifting off to sleep.

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