Chapter 6: 💔

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Same night 10:00pm.


It's a few hours later, and I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. I took a long hot bath and drank 2 bottles of wine.
For the second time today, I'm tipsy and tired. Shit them boxes was heavy af. Anyway, now I'm sitting in complete silence just letting the tears fall. I started the day getting dicked down and by my man of two years. I'm ending alone and possibly single.


My thoughts are ping ponging back and forth. I'm torn, did I make the right decision?

Was me moving out based on logic or emotion? I mean, realistically, we've been spiraling for the last month, but we're still in love right?
I should text him huh, is this repairable? I haven't even heard from him, does he care? I mean we can be together and live apart, we just need to figure our shit out. Is any of this worth it?
Fuck it, only way to find out is to ask him.

My Headache 😍💋
Hey, uhm, can we talk?

My Reason 🤤💦
Nah, you won. I'm off you. There's nothing to discuss. Have a nice life, don't contact me again.

She left me.
She did exactly what she promised not to, she gave up. Fuck her. Fuck this relationship, fuck her moving out, fuck her fuck her fuck her I scream as I throw my Xbox controller at the wall.
Wtf she mean can we talk, fuck talking. I blocked her on everything including Netflix, and went to bed.

Two months later-

Whew life been lifing lately, I need it to slow down. I'm doing really well in all my classes and picking up more case loads at work. My personal life is non existent but I need to be more career focused anyway.

Chelsea and I hang out damn near daily we're locked just like we was before she moved away.

I haven't spoken with Devale since he blocked me. I was depressed for a few days but had to shake it off. Cant let this niggas break you.

I question if he every really loved me or just loved not being alone. Financially I thought I would have to scale back but when I went to pay my mortgage and utilities for the month I found out he put all my bills on his autopay. I sent him a thank you text but he still has me blocked.

Today I showed up at work with sunglasses on the hide my eyes from the light. My head is pounding, it feels like a migraine and a sinus infection combined.
As much as I don't want to I'm going to urgent care, it hurts that bad!
I'm in Target getting my prescription filled when I here a familiar voice.

Unknown: Crystal

Crystal: I turn around and who's standing there looking fine af, skin perfect, smile on 10, deep voice sexy eyes. Hey Mark I reply.

Mark: I thought that was you, you still look good. How have you been.

We play catch up and exchange numbers. I text Chelsea telling her to get to my house asap and bring weed!

Crystal: Girl he was looking too damn fine

Chelsea: I bet he was, you know I liked him before I linked with his buddy Chuck but Mark always been fine.

Crystal: Girl who didn't you link with hot pocket, hoe did you fuck Mark

Chelsea: LOL no and not funny, you know how I feel. Fuck niggas, get money. I fucked alot of niggas but I got a lot of money lol.

Crystal: Girl when you gone settle down?

Chelsea: I could ask you the same thing, you left that man for what?

Crystal: We left each other, it is what it is.

Chelsea: So you go text Mark

Crystal: Nope, im enjoying my me season. I'm not ready to care about these men again.

Chelsea: Bitch please, you need and  deserve a night out and you definitely need some dick

Crystal: I can't stand you lol, maybe I will see what's to him. Anyway are you staying the night here.

Chelsea: Yeah, I don't feel like fighting with them about why I'm coming home so late.

Hopefully I'll be able to buy a house soon, it doesn't make sense to lease an apartment when I can stay with them for free but free is getting on my fucking nerves bad.

Crystal: That's how it be trying to live with your parents after you're grown. I keep telling you just move in here with me, you here everyday anyway. Just take that extra room friend.

Chelsea: You know what, ill take you up on stop being a pussy and text Mark.

One month later-

Mark and I have went out of a few dates here and there. Nothing serious though because most of my focus is on passing the bar. Chelsea living here is cool, It's never boring but I don't care for how many men she bring through my house but that's her pussy not mine.

Tonight Mark is coming over, he requested Oxtails and I'm happy to oblige.

Dinner went well and we retreat to my room. I haven't had sex in three months, my rose has become the real MVP.

Mark: Baby dinner was amazing, thank you.

Crystal: I'm glad you enjoyed.

Mark: Yes I did, I'm sure I'll enjoy desert even more as his hand starts to explore her body.

Crystal: Mark that feels good but stop. You know I'm celibate and you're making me weak.

Mark: Baby hush, Just relax and let me please you.

Crystal: Fuck ok ok enough I say as I push his head from my pussy. He has been eating me out for 30 min. I'm ready to give in and get some dick. Let me get this man out my house. Lord give me strength!

Chelsea: Bitch you finally got some huh, three month drought over!

Crystal: Girl mind your business, I did not sleep with that man.

Chelsea: Shiddddddd lies, I heard you moaning all the way in my room, shit turned me on. Maybe I should've fucked Mark and not Chuck the way I heard you creaming and screaming.

Crystal: Lmao you need help!

It's been exactly 93 days since Crystal left and everyday I replay it in my head. I've moved on but it still bothers me from time to time. I've been hooking up with Kayla here and there but it's strictly sex and we're both clear on that.
I thought I wanted that fatherhood family life but after our break up I'm learning some people are better off alone.

Every few weeks I unblocked her on Instagram to keep tabs on whats going on with her. Other than bar dates with this friend who's handle is @thegreatchelsea everything is usually work or car selfies.

Thats until tonight when I click her story, who is this nigga in the house I pay the mortgage on. Oh she entertaining niggas now, let me find she giving my pussy away.

At Crystal's House-

Chelsea is getting ready for her sneaky link and Crystal is studying.

Crystal: I know you not wearing that Chels, you might as well be naked.

Chelsea: That's the plan Stan

Crystal: OK nah, strap it up. I don't know how you juggling 4 niggas and haven't got caught. But handle yours Playa Playa.

Chelsea date pulls up and rings the doorbell. Chelsea just finished putting on the final touches, she answers the door but doesn't know who this man is. But he is FINE, and she can smell the money in his cologne.

Chelsea: Hi can I help you.

Unknown: No I'm here for her as he locks eyes with Crystal who's studying in the living room.

I turned my head so fast, I know Devale is not at my door. I make eye contact with him for a very split second before I literally hop over the couch into his arms.

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