Chapter 25:Moving on

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The next morning Devale woke up to Aden crawling and slobbering on his face, he sat up looking for Crystal who was nowhere in sight.

Devale: You must be feeling better son, let's go find mommy.

Devale and Aden found Crystal in their bedroom packing more things. She had already filled her car with boxes and bags, she was waiting for Devale to get up so she could take her first load over to her house. She had also placed a Target pick up for a few essential baby items.

Crystal: Hey Papa Bear!! Good morning Devale, I made you guys breakfast, can you get him bathed and dressed after yall eat. I need to run to Target and to drop this stuff off. I'll should be back in two hours.

Devale: Crystal what's the rush, let's talk about this. I don't want you to go, I can stay in the guest room for a few days but you don't leave.

Crystal: Nah it's time for a change. Last night opened my eyes. You will never be okay with my balancing motherhood and a career. You would rather threaten to divorce me than support me. That's crazy but what's crazier is you really leaving me with a hollering sick baby. These last 18 months have been hell,and since you offered me an out I'm going to take it. Devale I really hope we can make this whole process smooth. You know I love you deep but this is for the best.

Devale: Fine Crystal, if this makes you happy then so be it. If you want to give up on your family after a little argument then fine.

Crystal: That's not going to work this time. I'm not happy, that's the problem. You're trying to manipulate me, that's not fair Devale. But if it helps you to blame me that's fine. I'm not going to fight with you at all about anything at all. I would prefer if we could work out a schedule for Aden and actually get along for his sake but if we just exchange him and say nothing to each other at all that's fine too. I'm on whatever you on.

Devale: So it's like that, you leaving me? No discussion, no therapy, no praying on just out? You're my WIFE do you think I'm just going to let you go without a fight.

Crystal: It's like whatever you say it is. Can you get him together for me. Your mother wants him for the day. That will give me time to get everything moved out.

Devale: Yeah go ahead and do what you gotta do, I got him.

Hmmm that went surprisingly well Crystal thought to herself. She dropped off her load and went to Target. Since Aden would be gone with his grandma it was no need for her to rush back. She called Angela for a quick brunch date.

Angela: Friend are you sure this is what you want to do. I mean you two love each other.

Crystal: I don't want too but he doesn't respect me Ang. He won't let me grow and work, he flips out if I'm not in that house under his thumb. I love him do much but I have to do this. Crystal is crying realizing her head and heart and conflicting.

Angela: Don't Cry friend. It will be okay. I'm still rooting for you guys, this is temporary. I love you, don't cry Crystal your strong and worthy, you have everything you need and lack nothing!

Crystal: Thank you friend, let me let you get back to your husband and finish unpacking.

Angela: We got into a spat this morning so he is at work trying to avoid me. Plus I don't mind helping you unpack and get settled. It will help me pass the time.

Crystal: Aww friend I'm sorry, hopefully it wasn't anything to serious.

Angela: Not really, Devale called him last night for drinks saying he needed to talk. I was under the assumption it was just the two of them until he accidentally facetimed me and they were at a party or something. I still don't know the details but he didn't get in until 1am waking up my household. It's ok though, I just hope he know he own daddy duty all weekend long lol

Crystal: I'm sorry my shit leaking over to your household friend. "I can't wait for this season to be over" she said while still wiping tears. "GET IT TOGETHER CRYSTAL," she said out loud.

Devale was at his mom's house most of the day, it took Crystal and Angela 3 loads to get everything moved. Julien called Angela so she had to go, Crystal got a bottle of wine and started unpacking.

She texted Devale asking him to bring Aden to her house whenever they were finished hanging out.
Devale took Aden to Crystal at 9pm, Aden was crankie he wanted Devale. He started screaming when Crystal reached for him.

Crystal: You're daddy and grandma been holding you all day, look at you spoiled rotten. Devale do you mind putting him to bed. It's been a long day, I don't want to hear him whining.

Devale: I'm going to take him with me, ill bring him after breakfast tomorrow. I see you're tired and tipsy and I can tell you have been crying. Both of you are irritated so I got him.

Crystal kisses Aden on his cheeks, he screams "No Mama" and wipes it off. It hurt Crystal's feelings "Gone with your daddy then" Mr grumpy pants.

Crystal: Thanks Devale, please bring him back as early as possible. I want to spend the day with him tomorrow before I start my new schedule Monday.

Devale: Look I hate this shit but your actions are based on my actions. As long as I have full access to my son and you agree to continue therapy with me then it's all good. Let me go get him in bed.

Crystal: Devale I want to be single, of course you have access to him but I want to put us on hold. I rather do individual therapy to fix myself than continue to this cycle we have been on for the last few months.

Devale: Wait that wasn't the agreement, you said this morning you wanted us to get along and everything to be smooth right? So you think you leaving me gone be smooth? Let me make this clear, YOU ARE NOT SINGLE!!

Crystal: Devale it's time for you to go before you start your fake "I just want my family" shit. I'll see you in the morning, goodnight.

Devale: Why you yelling, you don't believe I want to fight for my family?

Crystal: Hmmm I got a question, Angela said Julien came home at 1am after partying with you but you came in at 2:30. Where were you? You immediately took a shower then silenced your phone, who was texting you Mr. I want my family back?? point exactly. Goodnight Devale!

This is a filler since yall came through with feedback and comments on the previous chapter so quickly. The next chapter is from Chelsea's point of view and goes into Devale taking Aden from daycare. Don't forget to Vote and comment. I appreciate yall!!


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