Chapter 24: Broken Home

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Devale did not leave. He decided to sleep in the guest room to give Crystal some time to cool off. The next morning when he woke up Crystal was already awake moving through the house.
She didn't say a word to him at all, she made herself breakfast then Aden some lunch for later then got dressed and left.

Devale was upset but decided not to let it bother him. He was more concerned with getting them back on the right track than arguing with her any further.

Mama Lois brought Aden home around 10:00. Devale was trying to act normal but Lois knew better.

Lois: Where did she go. I can tell by the look on your face she isn't here.

Devale: She's not talking to me so I really don't know. Ma how are we supposed to fix it if she shuts down and run. You really messed her up lol

Lois: That girl been a runner since the day she hit Earth. That is not my fault it's just who she is. The good thing is she always runs back. Yall will be ok, but how are you son?

Devale: I'm losing my shit ma, I'm losing her, I don't want to lose my family.

Lois: How are you handling the news about your mom?

Devale: She told you?

Lois: Yes she told me a few weeks ago, you might be feeling everything and nothing but you know I love you son I'm here for all of you especially my grandbaby, so yall work it out ok. I'll talk to Crystal, yall will be fine.

Devale: Thanks Ma

Lois stayed for a few hours while Devale worked, she left after Aden went down for a nap. Crystal hadn't called or texted Devale. He was somewhere between worried and pissed off. It didn't matter because in Crystal's mind this marriage is over and she plans to act accordingly.

Devale sent Crystal 17 unanswered text and 10 unanswered calls, it was now 6:30 pm and he hasn't heard from her.

Crystal came home at 8:00pm, Devale was getting Aden out of the tub. Crystal took Aden out of Devales hand without even acknowledging him. Aden was smiling and laughing at his mommy.

Crystal: (Hugging him tight) Fatty mommy missed you so much today, give me all the kisses. Look what mommy bought you. She takes out a page Patrol stuffy, Aden lights up. I love you fat stuff!


Crystal: Yes

Devale: What the fuck you mean Yes, you have been gone all damn and what do you have on?

Crystal was dressed a tight slinky black tight fitted dress with some 10inch heals, face beat, smelling magnificent.

Crystal: Yeah I been gone all day and these are clothes. Now if you would excuse me I would like to spend some time with my child before he goes to bed.

Devale:You know ain't none of this shit about to fly right. What the fuck do you think this is? I BEEN CALLING AND TEXTING YOU ALL FUCKING DAY. YOUR SON COULD'VE BEEN HURT AND YO ASS OUT DOING GOD KNOWS WHAT WITH GOD KNOWS WHO.

Crystal: Stop cursing around my child and back up out my face. Nothing was wrong or you would've texted that and he looks fine to me so spare me, and if you worried about who I was with or what I was doing you could just ask instead of throwing accusations.

Devale: Give me my fucking son bro and gone some fucking where. You left out of here 12 hours ago in sweat pants and coming back looking like a..

Crystal: Looking like what, one of my single hoe friends you're so fond of. I'm doing my best to keep it cool but if you try to take him out my arms again I'll tear all this shit up. LEAVE ME ALONE DEVALE!

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