Chapter 13: Tough Decisions

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Devale knew he had to tell Crystal about Chelsea's threats but he refuses to add any extra stress to her while she is carrying his first born. He will tell her after and deal with the consequences later.

Crystal: I heard Devale come in he peeked in on me then headed straight to the shower. I wanted see how his night was but  I fell back into my pregnancy coma waiting on him to come get in bed with me.

Devale: Babe do you need anything?

Crystal: No, I just need you next to me.

Devale climbed in bed pulled her close and held her before falling asleep.

Crystal woke up to pee for what felt like the 40th time in one night, she stood in the bathroom full length mirror trying to be present in this exact moment as she was certain this will be only pregnancy one and done!

She was so caught in the moment she didn't notice Devale come in until she felt his hands around her waist with his head nuzzled in her neck.

Devale: I'm so blessed because you're in my life. I love you babe.

Crystal: I love you too.

They get dressed, Devale is working Crystal is nesting washing up the babies clothes.

Crystal: Babe are we going to get his room painted before my due date?

Devale: Crystal give me 15 minutes to wrap up this zoom meeting, we can talk about it then.

Crystal: It's a yes or no question, you don't have to stop working.

Devale: Crystal 15 min PLEASE

Crystal- Silent

While Devale was wrapping up his meeting Crystal remembered Angela text her this morning asking about a baby shower again. She text her back sure because Angela wouldn't let it go.

Twenty minutes later Devale is finished. Angela was so excited she called Crystal. They were working out the location of the baby shower on such short notice. When Devale walked in the room she told Angela she would call her back.

Crystal: You didn't have to yell at me.

Devale: I wasn't yelling Crystal you're just emotional. It's cool, anyway I thought it was understood that you're moving in with me after you have the baby.

Crystal: I never agreed to that, will we be there sure but move in..NO. Devale we're not together and I'm not about to play house like we are.

Devale: Yo, you know what. We can finish the conversation later. You talking crazy right now. How aren't we together when we're fucking together Crystal. You pissing me off, my son will live under my roof. Don't forget that you didn't even fucking want him!

That comment caught them both off guard. Devale regretted it immediately. Crystal usually equipped with a good come back froze. Her words escaped her, that comment cut her deep.

She wanted to break down but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her hurt feelings. 

She wobbled in her room, locked the door, went in her bathroom locked that door as well. She turned on the shower and the air fan to muffle her cries. She broke down then told Aden she can't wait for him to come. She does want him, she needs him.

She gets out the shower unlocked the bathroom door. Devale is sitting on the bed with a drill in his hand.

Devale: I was giving you 10 more minutes before that bathroom door came off the hinges too. Before he could get out his unwanted apology Crystal interrupted him.

Crystal: The baby is coming. She reached for her phone to call Angela, she needed a ride to the hospital. She doesn't get and answer so she calls EMS. Devale is in panic mode trying to put clothes on her and convince her to please get in his car.

Crystal refuses, she'll have her son on the concrete with no epidural before she got in his car. EMS is taking to long and the contractions are coming back to back.
She decides to chance it, she'll drive herself. She gets her prepared diaper bag and wobbles toward the door begging Aden to stay in until she makes it to the hospital.

Devale snatched her keys and bag. He picked her up bridal style, put her in the car and sped to the hospital.

Two hours later she was being discharged. It was Braxton Hicks or false labor it was caused by the stress Devale put her under.

The car ride home was silent until Crystal told Devale she wanted him to leave. She will have her mom come stay with her or vice versa. She only had a little over a week to go. She would call him if she went until labor but for no other reason. She wanted to spend her last week of her only pregnancy happy.

Devale was in a tough spot, does he tell her the real reason he won't let her out his sight or does he do what's best to keep her stress free or "happy" as she refers to it.

He takes his eyes off the road for just a second to look over at Crystal.

Devale: Fine Crystal, ill leave in the morning.

Authors Note: Hey yall heyy 👋🏽
No speech today, just VOTE! -Shashi

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