Chapter 16: What Now?

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Chelsea: Looks like it's just me and you, she must be "busy".

Devale: Busy? What are you doing here, and where is she?

Devale is calling Crystal repeatedly not getting and answer. Chelsea called a few times as well.

Devale: I think you should go, last time she mentioned you is when she was dragging you through the yard. I'll tell her you stopped over, bye Chelsea.

Chelsea: She called me 30 minutes ago, she knew I was on my way. I'll wait in the living room, don't worry I don't bite. Unless you ask me too!

Devale: Girl get the fuck on.

Chelsea leaves. Devale still hasn't tracked Crystal down. He called her parents, they were at the movies. Deliah wasn't answering and Angela hasn't heard from her.

He decided to wait for her at her place assuming she went for a drive to cool down knowing should be  home soon.

Since she kept saying she wanted to sleep in her own bed he changed her sheets and took a quick shower. He laid across the couch waiting to hear either his phone or the door.

Thirty minutes went by and he still
didn't hear her come in but he felt her climb in bed. She licked across his bottom lip before sliding his boxers down. She got on the floor and sat up on her knees.  He started moaning in his sleep getting harder, he opened his eyes seeing it was Chelsea not Crystal but didn't stop. He took all the frustration Crystal gave him that day out on Chelsea. He held her head in place fucked her faced hard, she started gagging. He told her she bet not choke as he held his dick in her throat. He nutted on her face, then snatched her to her feet by her hair.

Chelsea: I like that rough shit, see how wet my pussy is. She stepped out her panties and was pleasuring herself.

Devale: Nah, I'm straight. You got what you came for, wipe my nut out your nose and get out stupid thirsty whore.

Chelsea: Yeah we will see who looking stupid after Crystal find I can make her man cum better than she can.

Devale: Starts choking her...Bitch if  you come near Crystal I'll make you disappear. I did my research on you. You moved back so quickly running from an embezzlement charge from your dad business partners. The same partners that ran a train on you in exchange for not turning you in. Does your daddy know your a cum bucket for his closest friends? He lets her neck go, You nasty Bitch!

Chelsea: It don't even have to all that Papi I won't tell her about tonight but I will tell you I get what I want by any means and I want to sit on that dick. Be it now or later I'll do just that, besides you can't out me without outing yourself so I'm not worried about it. You're MINE now, you just don't know it yet.

Bitch I wouldn't fuck you with someone's else dick. He tossed her out the back door naked then threw her clothes at her. Bitch leave, and remember what I said, you come anywhere near her and I'll end you.


Devale: That's the truth, I didn't see her again until the day you went into labor.

Crystal: So you was getting your dicked sucked in my house by my friend directly after telling me I could give birth then get the fuck it!

Then the same night you left me a voice message saying, and I quote, "Getting you pregnant was the worst mistake of my life. You're my biggest regret."

Then I didn't hear from you for four months until I was 8 months pregnant so it's still a piece of the story missing.

If it wasn't Chelsea it was Kayla. You blocked me and refused to speak to me knowing I was in a high risk pregnancy.

Devale: Crystal I already told you this, I thought me staying away would be better for you mentally. You told me not to contact you, at the time I thought it was best. I was wrong for saying I would take custody, and for telling to get out, and for that drunk voicemail.

When I saw your sister at the gas station and she told me how fragile you were didn't I come to you immediately and haven't I been here every day since?

Even when you're determined to push me away, I'm still here right? I spent those months getting the house in order and coming up with a plan to get my family back.

Crystal: Yeah that and some other shit, look if you go tell me 70% of the truth then keep it. Don't bullshit me!

Devale listen, I want us to put it all on the table tonight so we can move on whether that be together or apart. What else aren't you telling me?

Devale: After  the incident with Chelsea I called you a few more times before I left you that message. I got drunk and slept with Kayla, we were in a relationship up until the day I showed back up at your house. That's it, I swear.

Crystal: So you just stopped fucking her 3 months ago? Are you still fucking her?

Devale: No Crystal, I cut it off with her that same day. I texted her it's over from your driveway and haven't looked back, she's blocked on all social media and I switched gyms to insure we have no contact. Now what?

Crystal: What you mean?

Devale: I mean it's all out on the table, how do we move on from here. What can I do to prove that I want to be the man you need me to be and the father he deserves. I want us to be one unit, no titles that don't fit and no impossible expectations. No avoiding feelings, I just want to do life with you Crystal. Can you forgive me, can we start fresh, well fresh with a two month old lol

Crystal: I don't know Devale, this is a lot. I want to move on I really do, I want to feel normal, I want us to be together for Adens sake but I want to be happy, and secure not feeling like at any moment the bottom will fall out.

Devale: I need you to forgive me and for you  to trust me Crystal, I will put my life on the line for yall, let me show you babe.

Crystal: Devale, I love you. I forgive you. We want the same things for us and him. I'm willing to try if you are. We have to communicate better. I'll work on stop shutting down if you can work on understanding me when I express myself without disregarding my feelings.

Devale moves Crystal off his lap and jumps up. HELL YEAH, LETS GOOO! Come on baby get yo shit on, I'll get Aden, we gotta go pack yall up. MY BABIES ARE COMING HOME!

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