Chapter 11: Chelsea is a Messy Slut!

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Chelsea: Crystal be for real, I know you not tripping over Mark.

Crystal: Bitch, I got a man. No matter how much you try to sabotage it. You foul as fuck. You gotta go Chelsea.

Chelsea: Didn't this nigga snatch you out of here barely dressed. I don't know what kind of ass whooping you took after you got there but don't come taking that shit out on me. You let him think for you, you know you don't want ne to move out. That nigga making you. Your "I hate to be by myself" ass the one who begged me to move in here.

Crystal: Nah YOU making me. You brought that nigga Mark over here knowing Devale was here. I had been ignoring him for 2 months. You still jealous and messy.

Devale told me his caught you eye fucking him and saying slick shit. You fucked after every friend we got and I'll beat the shit out of you before I let it happen.

Chelsea: You know what, I can move back to my mom's today! Fuck you weak ass hoe, fucking dummy. You been an insecure cry baby bitch from the day I met you!

For the record ya man wants to taste my pussy, he wants to fuck me and you know it. That's why you mad hoe.

Crystal: Chelsea if I didn't literally owe you my life I'd be stomping the fuck out of you. Get the fuck out my house now, get your shit later.

Chelsea: Put me out.

Crystal: I think to myself this girl think I'm crybaby Crystal from 9th grade.

I punched her dead in the fucking mouth, she been talking real crazy. I'm giving her straight face shots, she think Devale dragged me. Oh I drugged that bitch from where she stood to the front lawn.

She was trying to fight back but it was pointless. This bitch in my house talking goodshit. I went in her room and started throwing her shit out. Fuck her! I hear the police and ems sirens coming and give no fucks.

I managed to call Devale out of breath telling him I might be getting arrested. He was just up the road cleaning my vomit out his passenger seat.

Officer: Ma'am a neighbor called regarding an altercation outside. We just want to make sure everyone is OK and get your account of what happened.

Crystal: What altercation, I didn't see an altercation

Officer: Looks at the lawn, and at Chelsea bloody face, swollen eye and busted lip who is getting checked out by ems then back at Crystal.

Are you sure that's the story you want to go with? Several witnesses saw you physically assault the victim.

Crystal: Victim? That messy ass slut is not a victim. I say as I  see Devale coming up the walk way.

Devale: What happened babe?

Crystal: I shrugged my shoulders...nothing

Devale: Well there you have it officer. If you'll excuse me, I need to speak my wife privately.

Crystal- Devale closes the door, the officers try to get a statement from Chelsea. She declined, partially because she deserved it, partially because she was embarrassed but mainly because some of her items was still in Crystal's house.

Crystal beat her unrecognizable, Chelsea knew she lost a true friend. BUT in her eyes this is Devales fault and she fully intended to make him pay and her suffer!

In the house

Devale: What the hell Crystal, did you try to kill her. I thought you was just gone talk to her.

Crystal: If I wanted her dead, she would be dead. I was intending on talking but she disrespected me, my man, and my house.

Devale: The house, how?

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