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He decided to break up after hearing this .
The thing is, he rented his bankrupt rival Xie Chun as his girlfriend, and decided to take revenge on his rival for oppressing him over the years!

Unexpectedly, he woke up the next day.
He is the vicious male supporting character in the story of reunion, who loves the female protagonist but cannot do anything bad. He is the accelerant who traps the delicate male protagonist and destroys and promotes the relationship between the male and female protagonists.

In the end, he stole the heroine by force and was bankrupted by her. His legs were broken and sold to Java, where they were eaten by star beasts and no bones were left!

In his previous life, he was a social beast who died suddenly in 996. When he saw his plot workload: TvT, he just wanted to mess it up.

Wenjiu: Break up! Must break up!
Breaking up the irritable Xie Chun was not a matter of minutes, so he made a detailed breakup plan.

On the first day, he let her kiss him eighteen times a day.
The next day, he called and harassed her like crazy.
On the third day, he asked her to abide by her virtue and not to look at anyone else!

After some time.
Xie Chun: Baby, you are my little sweetheart.
Baby, you're playing with fire.
Baby, you are mine.
Baby, are you playing hard-to-get with me?

Wenjiu:? !
Why is her line becoming more and more domineering? Is the style of painting getting more and more wrong? Do you still want to kiss and hug him every day and seduce him to touch his abdominal muscles?

Wen didn't wait until Xie Chun broke up violently. She looked at him more and more wrongly, as if she wanted to eat him.
It's over, I'm going to die.

Hearing it, he cried late at night: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, I really want to eat cornbread .

: "!!!"
Damn it, die faster! Then he cried even harder!

run! If you don't run, you'll be completely screwed!
He ran away from home for three days before being kidnapped back home by Xie Chun. He was so panicked that the alpha, who had always been submissive to him, grabbed his neck and stared at him with dangerous eyes: "You are mine. ."

Wenjiu: Help! Why is the heroine like this?
It's bad, but it's not completely bad.

Xie Chun was reborn.
Having encountered countless betrayals, traps, and ridicules, her heart was colder than ice. As for those who tried to harm her, she would make them pay the price again.

When she was eight years old, her brother sent someone to beat her up. When she was about to fight back, a gangster rushed out and smashed a glass hand into the opponent's face. She was obviously scared to death by dragging her, but he still yelled angrily: "Don't even look at her. Who is covering him! Get out of here!"

She recognized him.
He was Wenjiu who pestered her all day long in her previous life and took advantage of her downfall to humiliate her.

She wanted to see what tricks he had up his sleeve this time? ?

He took her to farm, feed chickens, climb trees, drill dog holes, play games, catch crabs...

Xie Chun:? ? ?

After waiting and waiting, I was humiliated before I heard it. When I heard it, I took other alphas to farm, feed chickens and climb trees.
Xie Chun:...
Damn it! Where did she put her hands? ? Die for me!

Xie Chun had been irritable throughout her adolescence, and successfully let Wen smash her head in. Wen's eyes turned red and he scolded her: "I hate you so much!! You and I are at odds with each other!" Xie Chun successfully broke away from the plot,

but She was not happy at all. She went crazy every night thinking about the omega who talked lazily, secretly sniffed the remaining pheromones on his old clothes, and hated everyone who came close to the omega like a lunatic, wanting to make him whole forever. Always just look at her.

to this end.
She listened to her friend's advice and pretended to be miserable to get close to him, but unexpectedly got the opportunity to rent her as his girlfriend.
She designed traps one after another to trap him step by step. Unexpectedly, he came home and wanted to hug and kiss her. He also secretly touched her abdominal muscles. She couldn't hold back any longer.

He pinched his waist, blushed and kissed the wall.

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