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In the first week of joining the company, her unkind boss asked Ming Xiangfan to take photos of actor Zhou Aiqiao's "scandalous girlfriend" within one month.
Ming Xiangfan was in so much pain that she squatted downstairs at Zhou Aiqiao all day long, wishing she could become his pants and capture the most explosive photos.

As the January period approaches, Ming Xiangfan has not been photographed. In her opinion, Zhou Aiqiao is an immortal, with a pure heart and few desires. He wishes he could burn incense and worship Buddha every day, and kowtow all the way from home to the set.

On the thirtieth day of filming, the sky is the limit!
Zhou Aiqiao, who was in the susceptible period, unexpectedly appeared in front of Ming Xiangfan's car.

Seeing that the actor was about to fall, Ming Xiangfan picked him up.

Why is the actor an Omega? !
Why does it still taste like milk? !
Ming Xiangfan couldn't hold it back...

A contract was printed, and
the two fell in love.
All kinds of love finally turned into ashes and fell apart.

Popular actress Ming Xiangfan has a well-known secret -
before joining the film and television industry, she worked as a paparazzi.

There are rumors: When Ming Xiangfan was working as a paparazzi, she was in love with the actor Zhou Aiqiao! Then they broke up for no reason! So after five years since her debut, her career and life trajectories have not overlapped with those of the actor!

Because of this, when the final makeup of the characters in the TV series adapted from the current popular IP was announced, not only the fans of the two companies were shocked, but also the public.

[Don't you think they are really good? Bingshan Omega Best Actor x Popular Actress of Quirky Alpha]
[A very fragrant and very fragrant combination! One person's blood letter! The two fell in love because of the drama! ]
[Say it with me: together, together, together! ]

After three months of filming, the crew took a vacation and the director team raided the starring role.
It was Ming Xiangfan who knocked on the door, but it was Zhou Aiqiao who opened the door.

The barrage was refreshing like crazy at the moment.
[Holy shit, shit! ! Did you hear me before knocking on the door? ! Zhou Aiqiao is acting coquettishly! ! ]
[Shit, I thought I was the only one who heard it! I heard Zhou say 'please, just this once']
[Ahhhhhh! ! Give the teacher a ventilator! ! ! ]

After the filming was completed, the two met on a narrow road in a first-rate romance.
In the end, none of the four invited couples came together. Instead, the two of them fought from beginning to end, sparking love.

Zhou Aiqiao and Ming Xiangfan sat in front of the photographer and were interviewed seriously.

Stf: "What is your first impression of each other?"
Ming: "Zhou Aijiao."
Zhou: "She is a tough guy."

Stf: "What about now?"
Ming: "He is indeed very delicate."
Zhou: "I love fierceness. Female."

Stf: "...?"

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