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Everyone in the upper-class circles basically knows that the Jiang family has an unwritten rule
[If you want to compete for the position of Jiang family heir, candidates are prohibited from getting close to the opposite sex until they reach adulthood] Over the past

ten years, many Jiang family children have broken this rule. , except for Jiang Yuanqing of the Jiang family
, she never crossed the threshold until the day she turned seventeen.

Everyone said that facing such Jiang Yuanqing, even if Qi Xi came, she would not be able to seduce her
Faced with many people's evaluation of Jiang Yuanqing, Qi Xi Xi just chuckled,

"It's just a kid."

He stepped into the unspoken concubine selection banquet with a high profile, and was successfully attracted by Jiang Yuanqing.

The days after that were just flirting. Then Jiang Yuanqing would love him to the point of being unable to extricate himself

, but

Regardless of whether he wants to refuse or wantonly seduce, Qi Xi, who has always been sought after, takes the initiative to lure Jiang Yuanqing to fall, but fails every time.

Jiang Yuanqing, who has restrained himself to the end, would rather stay silent and never touch Qi Xi even if he accidentally received the medicine.
On the other hand, it was Qi Xi. Seeing her forbearing look, he almost

became obsessed

over and over again. After Qi Xi became angry, no matter what method he used, he was determined to tear Jiang Yuanqing's innocent appearance to pieces
on the eve of Jiang Yuanqing's adulthood, Qi Xi had already lost. He didn't give up
and still wanted to try, but the result was undoubtedly a failure

. "Wait a little longer, it will be soon."

Jiang Yuanqing smiled softly and harmlessly, still looking as indifferent as the breeze and bright moon.
Qi Xi leaned in her arms, helpless. The vigilance gradually became lax

, but the consequence of being lax was that
he could not run away for a whole adult night
- You once asked me why I never refused to break the precept for you
- I can only say
- only by restraint can we shoulder the heavy responsibility and protect you. You have no worries

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