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  Minnie is afraid of heights and the dark, and her mecha test scores have always been low, but her classmates take good care of her. I thought that life in a military academy would be like this, but unexpectedly I got entangled with the number one in the command department!

  The two met for the first time at the training ground.

  As an omega, Feng Qinghuan stood alone in front of Minnie, blocking her from the aggressive classmates.
  Unexpectedly, the classmate actually bypassed him and walked over to hand Minnie a towel.
  Feng Qinghuan:?
  This is the first time Feng Qinghuan failed to tease A.

  The second time I failed to flirt with A was in an alley.
  Minnie brought food to her friend and met Feng Qinghuan who was surrounded by people. She rolled up her sleeves and rushed over, kicking one over.

  Ming·Maximum force value·Just man·Catch the bad guys and run away·Ni: I am so handsome!
  Feng · Planning the siege incident · Seducing Minnie to save people · Being left in place · Qinghuan:?   -Feng Qinghuan, who failed to flirt with A many times, couldn't help it anymore


He cornered Minnie in the tool room, intending to ask for answers!

  Omega stood outside the door with his eyes lowered, his expression fragile, his voice low and hoarse, "Come out...obey me."

  Alpha pressed against the door, his heart beating like a drum, his earlobes red, and he posted a post on the Internet with trembling hands.

  [Military Academy Forum] (Help! I was trapped in the tool room by an omega! Someone come and save me!)
  Reply below:? ? ? Isn’t the original poster an alpha?
  Second floor: Thank you for the invitation, I also want to be blocked by an omega. (Like a dog who suddenly got kicked when he went shopping) -

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