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Lu Xi is out of the book.
The ex-girlfriend who became the cannon fodder of the male protagonist in the book ended up not being as miserable as usual.
The point she came to was that the original owner was framed by another female supporting character.

This frame-up exposed her identity as Alpha, and indirectly caused the hero's brother to split from Alpha into Omega.
Looking at the gloomy eyes of the hero's brother, Lu Xi felt that he might not live long.
Wen Qingmo suddenly changed from A to O. This huge change was really hard for him to accept.
Wen Qingmo, who prides himself on never succumbing to an Alpha, would never have thought that not long after, he would be holding the "culprit" who turned him into an O, and begging in a low voice: "Just mark me for the rest of your life... okay
? "
————False Little Theater————
One day after we got together.
The female supporting actor came and threatened Lu Xi: "I'm pregnant with Wen Qingmo's child. In fact, he doesn't love you at all!"
Lu Xi touched Wen Qingmo's almost full-term belly and said casually: "Oh, really, but Qingmo, he What you are carrying is obviously my child."
Female supporting actor:? ? ?

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