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Gan Lin had a cheap father who kept her in the basement watching cabbage all day long. If compulsory education hadn't been changed to twelve years, he would have killed her if she couldn't even go to school.

After the college entrance examination, her father grounded her completely. Gan Lin thought she was going to starve to death, but when she woke up, she found that she had arrived in a whole new world.
Not only did she eat steadily, her face was radiant, and she was in good health, but she also discovered more wonderful changes in her body...

Question: What would you do if you woke up one day and found that you had turned into a boy?
Answer: Of course... experience the happiness of a boy.

One day, Gan Lin was drunk at the freshmen party and his pheromones were flying around. He was taken back to the hotel by a male classmate.
Early the next morning, she put on her coat and ran away in a hurry. Only when she returned to the dormitory did she realize that she was still wearing clothes and nothing had happened!

Who would have thought that when she saw that boy again, he would hold her responsible with red eyes.

Gan Lin: Classmate, I didn’t mean it...
Bohan: What did you say?
Gan Lin: QAQ I really didn’t mean it...

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