Chapter 1: Are you in a groove today?

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Jiang F opened the live broadcast room on time.

Although the live broadcast room is still black, it has already shown more than 4 million popularity.

Countless barrages floated by, and the long-awaited sailors couldn't wait to see his live broadcast.

These are enough to show the super popularity of Jiang F.

Jiang F, a professional player in the popular MOBA game "WOC", ID: Lollipop, the No. 2 god-level character.

Both skill and appearance are online, making him the number one star player in the WOC Professional League, known as the sugar god.

At this moment, the unattainable god of the professional circle in the eyes of outsiders is wearing a messy black hair, his pale face is capitalized tiredness, and the thick dark circles under his eyes indicate that this person is seriously lacking in sleep, and he is extremely reluctant to start setting up his own live broadcast room.

The schedules of professional players are already irregular, and now it is an offseason for teams that do not have games, and there is nothing important to do except training matches, so Jiang F's sleep is even more irregular.

He was forcibly arrested by the manager in his sleep and broadcast live.

said that the team owed a lot of time to the live broadcast platform, and the players had to make up for it.

Especially the star player Jiang F, the live broadcast platform that gave him a sponsorship fee and signed a live broadcast contract asked him to make up the time.

Nonsense, after spending so much money to sign a contract with the team, isn't it just to let these star players start broadcasting more and attract popularity to the platform!

Jiang F is very cold offline, he doesn't like to laugh or talk, but the online live broadcast has an explosive program effect.

is funny and loves to talk about sassy, and often finds all kinds of little brothers to play with, which is completely different from the appearance of the kaolin flower offline.

And such two completely opposite images have become the reason why many people are squatting on his live broadcast, and it is also one of the reasons why fans love him.

According to the words of the fans of the sugar god: the contrast is cute or something, it's just cute!

But Jiang F himself was completely unaware of this kind of evaluation, and even scoffed at it.

Lovely? Hum! Do these two words have anything to do with him?

Jiang F scolded the unscrupulous manager countless times in his heart before he clicked on the game screen leisurely.

On the game interface, first the LOGO of the "WOC" production company Symphony, and then a string of gorgeous English words written "WorldofChallengers", which is the full name of the game "WOC", and then entered the main interface.

The Chinese translation of "WOC" should be Challenger World, but many players feel that this name is too down-to-earth to highlight their compulsion, so they prefer to call it an English abbreviation.

WOC, Groove. If someone asks, "Did you get groaned today?" That's not sarcasm, it's just asking if the other person is playing the game WOC.

Given the popularity of WOC, for a while, the phrase "Are you in a groove today" even became an internet buzzword.

After six years of enduring testing, but with more and more trends in global domination, "WOC" has undoubtedly become a strong mark in the history of games.

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